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Report of Foreign Private Issuer
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For the month of March, 2006

Commission File Number 1-14732

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

National Steel Company
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Record annual net income of R$2 billion and EBITDA of R$4.6 billion

São Paulo, Brazil, March 27, 2006

Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN) (BOVESPA: CSNA3) (NYSE: SID) announces today its results for the fourth quarter of 2005 (4T05), in accordance with Brazilian accounting principles and denominated in Reals. The comments presented herein refer to consolidated results and the comparisons refer to the fourth quarter of 2004 (4Q04), unless otherwise stated. On December 30, 2005, the Real/Dollar exchange rate was R$ 2.3407.

Executive Summary

Consolidated Highlights    4Q04    3Q05    4Q05    2004    2005 
Crude Steel Production (thousand t)   1,389    1,317    1,355    5,518    5,201 
Sales Volume (thousand t)   1,038    1,181    1,350    4,744    4,864 
 Domestic Market    756    613    598    3,298    2,875 
 Exports    282    568    752    1,447    1,989 
Net Revenue per unit (R$/t)   1,901    1,671    1,581    1,839    1,827 
Financial Data (RS MM)                    
 Net Revenue    2,592    2,222    2,408    9,800    10,038 
 Gross Income    1,429    907    1,065    4,802    4,569 
 EBITDA    1,415    920    1,053    4,789    4,594 
 Net Income    531    517    352    1,982    2,005 
Net Debt (R$ MM)   4,708    5,176    4,699    4,708    4,699 

Consolidated Highlights    4Q05 X 4Q04    4Q05 X 3Q05    2005 X 2004 
  (Ch.%)   (Ch.%)   (Ch.%)
Crude Steel Production (thousand t)   -2.4%    2.9%    -5.7% 
Sales Volume (thousand t)   30.0%    14.3%    2.5% 
 Domestic Market    -20.9%    -2.5%    -12.8% 
 Exports    166.2%    32.4%    37.5% 
Net Revenue per unit (R$/t)   -16.8%    -5.4%    -0.6% 
Financial Data (RS MM)            
 Net Revenue    -7.1%    8.3%    2.4% 
 Gross Income    -25.5%    17.4%    -4.9% 
 EBITDA    -25.6%    14.5%    -4.1% 
 Net Income    -33.6%    -31.8%    1.2% 
Net Debt (R$ MM)   -0.2%    -9.2%    -0.2% 

  Investor Relations Team 
Bovespa: CSNA3 R$ 47.55/share  Marcos Leite Ferreira – 11-3049-7588 ([email protected])
NYSE: SID US$ 21.40/ADR (1 ADR = 1 share) Geraldo Colonhezi – 11-3049-7593 ([email protected])
Total Shares = 272,067,946  José Eduardo Szuster – 11-3049-7526 ([email protected])
Market Cap: R$ 12.9 billion / US$ 5.5 billion  Renata Kater – 11-3049-7592 ([email protected])
Prices on 12/30/05 


Economic and Industry Scenario

     The performance of the global steel market in 2005 was determined by two main factors: soaring inventories, which had been building up since the second half of 2004, and weaker-than-normal demand.

     Given less buoyant final demand and greatly overstocked service centers, demand for flat steel suffered, triggering a first-half slide in international prices of between 20% and 30%. In an unprecedented reaction, plants cut back on production to align output with the new scenario, thereby avoiding a further price slump. Prices only began to recover at the end of the third quarter and beginning of the fourth, when inventories had fallen back to normal levels and final demand was beginning to pick up again, particularly in the US.

     Thus the year ended on a high note, with healthy prospects for the international scenario in 2006: adjusted inventories, controlled supply, growing demand and recovering prices.

     On the domestic front, annual flat-steel demand fell 9% over the year before, mainly due to dwindling demand from the distribution and construction industries, which fell by 20% and 9% respectively. Although demand from the auto and tin-plate segments edged up by 3% and 1% respectively, this was insufficient to offset the decline in the other two sectors.

     In the fourth quarter, steel consumption by all these industries recorded a quarter-on-quarter slide: distribution, 9%; construction, 9%; automotive, 19%; and tin plate, 13%.

     Therefore, the domestic market expectation for 2006 is positive, considering the perspective for increasing government expenditures and gradual reduction in interest rates, among others (see the Perspective session).


     The accumulated production, 5.7% and 9.3% lower than the previous year (raw steel and rolled steel, respectively), reflected the adjustment in production rhythm due to weaker demand conditions during 2005. It is worth to accentuate that this supply discipline, a phenomenon verified for the first time in the whole world, long expected for the market agents, because it helps to avoid steel price deterioration in demand’s fragile moments.

     Fourth-quarter production of crude and rolled steel moved up, 2.9% and 7.1%, respectively, over the previous three months, indicating improved market conditions. In year-on-year terms, finished product output also climbed, while crude-steel production fell off slightly.

     Finally, it is also worth noting that, in both the final quarter and the full year, Galvasud’s output was substantially higher than in the previous periods and the plant was working at close to its full nominal production capacity of 350,000 t p.a.

Output    3Q04     4Q04     3Q05     4Q05     2004     2005  
(data in thousand t)            
Presidente Vargas Mill (UPV)                        
         Crude Steel    1,406    1,389    1,317    1,355    5,518    5,201 
         Finished Products    1,259    1,254    1,173    1,256    5,041    4,570 
CSN Paraná    71    77    59    60    252    206 
GalvaSud    67    80    49    89    206    297 



     Fourth-quarter sales volume increased by 169,000 tonnes (or 14%) over the previous three months, the best quarterly performance of the year and the best final-quarter showing since 2003. The 184,000 tonne upturn in exports was chiefly led by slabs (+76,000 tonnes), galvanized (+51,000 tonnes) and tin plate (+45,000 tonnes).

     Annual sales stood at 4,864,000 tonnes, 2.5% (or 120,000 tonnes) more than in 2004, with exports more than making up for the domestic market decline. Fifty-nine percent of total sales went abroad.

     In the analysis of market share by segment, comparing the third and fourth quarters, shows that the Company’s share of the auto and construction markets moved up (from 14% to 15%, in the former case, and from 39% to 47% in the latter), while its slice of the distribution and home-appliance segments fell from 36% to 29% and from 32% to 30%, respectively. In annual terms versus 2004, the pattern was somewhat different: a share gain in distribution (from 30% to 34%), flat in construction (45%) and a reduction in the auto (25% to 16%) and home-appliance (37% to 33%) markets.



     Average prices in the fourth-quarter fell by 5% over the previous three months, bucking the tendency of the markets: while domestic prices slipped by 6%, thanks to the still flagging demand, export tags edged up by 3%. The latter upturn was fueled by more vigorous economic activity in the US and, chiefly, Europe, markets where the build up of inventories and growing demand from final consumers, begun in the previous quarter, helped keep final-quarter prices up. Average export prices moved up 7% in dollars, led by galvanized products, which recorded a 28% increase thanks to the presence of CSN LLC in the United States, allowing the Company to reap more benefits from that market.

     For the year as a whole, the average price trajectory was precisely the opposite to the trend in the final-quarter: a 14% increase in Brazil and a 23% decline abroad. In the latter case, the result was heavily influenced by the first half, when prices plunged by around 30%. The domestic-market improvement was chiefly due to the fact that prices in 2004 took some time to react to the international upturn, only doing so at the end of the third quarter and beginning of the fourth. This low comparative base, together with relative domestic price stability throughout 2005, explains the hefty increase. The net effect was that total average prices remained virtually flat, just 0.6% down on 2004.

Net Revenues

      In the fourth quarter, healthier prices and higher export volume generated a revenue increase that more than offset the domestic market drop (due to reduced volume and lower prices).

     Annual net revenues moved up in both markets: 1% in Brazil and 5% abroad, thanks to the aforementioned volume and price movements.


Production Costs (Parent Company)

     The increase in 4Q05 output was accompanied by a R$48 million year-on-year rise in production costs (excluding depreciation), caused by R$3 million upturn in raw-material costs and a hefty R$49 million jump in general manufacturing costs, partially offset by a R$5 million drop in energy and fuel costs (self-generation of electric power returned to normal following repairs to the thermal plant at the end of the previous quarter). The very small increase in raw-material costs was due to a reduction in period coal and coke costs, which were more than offset by an increase in the cost of other raw materials, mainly iron ore, zinc and scrap metal.

     Although annual output was less than in 2004, production costs moved up due to greater expenditure on maintenance (+R$67 million) and supplies and other manufacturing items (+R$91 million), partially offset by a R$90 million reduction in raw-material costs. In the latter case, huge cuts in coke (-R$205 million), outsourced hot-rolling (-R$73 million) and zinc and aluminum costs (-R$37 million) largely wiped out the increases in coal (+R$178 million) and other raw-material costs (+R$48 million).

     As for the main raw materials (coal and coke), the average coal price climbed from US$126/t, in the third quarter, to US$134/t in the final three months, reflecting a more up-market coal mix. The unit coke price, on the other hand, plunged from US$393 to US$327 as a result of the elimination of higher average cost inventories as high-price coke stocks acquired in 2004 and 2005 were used up (as mentioned in our 3Q05 release). Thanks to this, the coal and coke acquisition average cost, in 2005, was US$119/t and US$386/t, respectively. The average year-end coal and coke inventory cost stood at around US$ 121/t for coal and US$ 272/t for coke.

     Due to the accident in Blast Furnace 3, on January 22, 2006 (see Recent Developments for more details), the Company was forced to alter its 2006 coal-and-coke-purchasing strategy. Of the 240,000 tonnes of coke acquired in October last, the shipment of 90,000 tonnes has been delayed indefinitely, while 67,000 tonnes of the remainder have been computed in the Company’s inventories since December. The Company does not expect to acquire any more coke in 2006. As for coal, the delivery of around 630,000 t has been postponed until the next contractual year (April-June/06 to March-June/07), reducing period purchasing needs of around 2.3 million tonnes.


Operating Expenses

     Following the reversal of labor and legal provisions in the 3Q05, operating expenses returned to normal levels, recording only minor variations due to the rise in final-quarter sales volume. The variation between the full years of 2004 and 2005 can also be explained by this provision reversals.


     The big jump in sales volume over the quarter before, despite lower prices in the domestic market and the increase in COGS, was more than sufficient to push up 4Q05 EBITDA by 14%. The EBITDA margin widened by 2.3 p.p., from 41.4% to 43.7%

. Annual EBITDA of R$4.6 billion and 45.8% margin are the second best result of the Company since 1993, reflecting the higher sales volume and higher average prices on the domestic market. The EBITDA margin narrowed from 48.9% to 45.8%, largely due to the Company’s decision to expand its exports, in turn due to the poorer-than-expected performance of the Brazilian economy against a background of lower international prices. Nevertheless, the 2005 margin was still the Company’s second best since 1993.

EBITDA and EBITDA   4Q05 x
  4Q05 x 4Q04    2005 x 2004 
Margin Change      
EBITDA (ch. %)   14    -26    -4 
Margin (ch. p.p.)     -11    -6 


Net Financial Result and Debt

     The 4Q05 net financial result registered a R$404 million expense, versus a negative R$39 million in the preceding quarter. The difference was due to the reversal of provisioned financial expenses made in the previous quarter, which distorted the comparative base.

     For the year as a whole, the net financial result, excluding the non-occurrence of expenses from deferred exchange loss amortizations in 2005, improved by R$48 million. In 2004, when the deferred exchange losses were eliminated, this expense totaled R$113 million.

     Final-quarter net debt fell by R$477 million over the previous three months and the net debt/EBITDA ratio remained at 1x, in line with the two previous quarters. The difference in the gross debt was due to the impact of the period exchange-rate variation. The net debt at year-end remained virtually flat over the close-of-2004 figure (tiny reduction of R$9 million), as did the net debt/EBITDA ratio (1.02x and 0.98x respectively). Financial costs in Reais were similarly constant: 14% p.a., equivalent to 73% of the CDI Cetip, in 2005, versus 13.5% p.a., or 84% of the CDI Cetip, em 2004. Regarding average maturity, the Company increased the maturity of its debt from 8 years, in December, 2004, to 13 years in the end of 2005, due to, basically, the US$ 750 million funding in perpetual bonus, accomplished in July, 2005.

Income Tax

     Fourth-quarter income tax and social contribution expenses were substantially less than in the third quarter due to lower pre-tax income and the positive result of the exchange rate variation on foreign investments, versus a negative figure in the third quarter.

     In annual terms, these expenses increased by R$46 million over 2004, due to higher pre-tax income. The effective rate remained virtually unchanged at 30%.

Net Income

     Annual net income was the Company’s highest ever, 1.2% up on 2004, which had also been a record year. Given that 2004 was a historical year for the global steel industry in general, net income growth in 2005 reflected the substantial improvements to period operating expenses and net financial results.

     Final-quarter net income was lower than in the preceding three months, due to higher operating expenses and the deterioration of the financial result, which more than offset the rise in period gross profits.



     Quarterly investments totaled R$256 million, including R$31 million in the Sepetiba Port expansion project, in turn part of the Casa de Pedra expansion project, R$44 million in MRS*, R$17 million in CFN* and R$47 million in the maintenance of industrial facilities.

     Annual investments stood at R$1,017 million, including R$210 million in the Port project, R$130 million in MRS*, R$48 million in CFN* and R$77 million in maintenance. Most of the remainder went to projects related to maintenance and operational improvements in CSN and its subsidiaries.

*corresponding to CSN’s respective 32% and 50% stakes in MRS and CFN

Casa de Pedra Expansion Project

     Today’s Board of Directors meeting approved the investment plan for the expansion of the Casa de Pedra mine’s production capacity to 53 million tonnes p.a., including a new 3 million tonne p.a. pellet plant in Itaguaí. The expansion’s pre-feasibility study was mentioned in our 3Q05 earnings release.

     The additional output of 10 million tonnes p.a. will be accomplished through greater use of Casa de Pedra’s reserves of high silica (which has a lower iron content).

     A presentation conntaining detailed information on the project can be found on the compsny’s site ( or


     The following chart shows the operational start-up of each stage of the expansion project. Note that the production start-up of the original project (40 million tonnes) has been pushed forward from January to March, 2007, due to delays in obtaining the installation license. The hiring process for the port works and purchase of the port and the mine’s moving equipment has now been 100% concluded; the contracts related to the processing plant should be completed in the second quarter of 2006.


Sales Volume

     The new sales plan is detailed in the chart below, together with the product mix. After the period shown, sales will remain at 42 million tonnes p.a. through 2029, before falling to 26 million between 2030 and 2035.


     The upward revision of production has necessitated additional investments of US$540 million, as detailed in the following table.


CAPEX (US$ Million)
STAGES    43 Mtpy    ADDITIONAL - 10 Mtpy    TOTAL - 53 Mtpy 
CASA DE PEDRA    619    300    919 
             Mine    139    20    159 
             Concentration Plant    480    280    760 
   PORT OF ITAGUAÍ    200    60    260 
             1st Stage (+7 Mtpy)   112    -    112 
             2nd Stage (30 Mtpy)   88    -    88 
             3rd Stage    -    60    60 
SUBTOTAL    818    360    1,178 
   PELLETIZING PLANTS    165    180    345 
             Itaguaí    -    180    180 
             Casa de Pedra    165    -    165 
TOTAL    983    540    1,523 
Exchange Rate (R$/US$): 2,35 (actual values).

     Total project investments, corresponding to production capacity of 53 million tonnes p.a., amount to US$1.5 billion, 27% of which to be spent in 2006, 25% in 2007, 21% in 2008, 16% in 2009 and 1% in 2010.


Working Capital

     Working capital in the quarter fell by R$199 million over the previous three months, chiefly due to the reduction in accounts receivable from the domestic market – due to the decline in sales volume in this market – and an increase in the suppliers line. Most of the effect of these two positive features was offset by the increase in cash and cash equivalents and accounts receivable from abroad - caused by higher exports – and by the reduction in payable taxes.

     In 2005 as a whole, working capital fell by R$144 million over the year before. The main variations were an increase in accounts receivable from abroad, thanks to greater export volume, and reductions in the suppliers line, deferred taxes (for the same reason mentioned above) and inventories, reflecting lower stocks of finished products and, primarily, raw materials.

     In R$ MM 
Account    3Q05    4Q05    Change    2004    Change 
Assets    3,477    3,408    69    3,526    117 
 Cash equivalents    101    135    -34    109    -26 
 Accounts receivable    1,472    1,366    106    1,140    -226 
         Domestic market    1,009    879    130    915    36 
         Export market    558    588    -30    312    -276 
         Allowance for doubtful accounts    (96)   (101)     (87)   15 
 Inventories    1,904    1,907    -3    2,276    369 
Liabilities    1,458    1,588    130    1,561    27 
 Suppliers    1,023    1,262    239    760    501 
 Salaries and Social contribution    104    85    -19    79   
 Payable taxes    331    241    -90    721    -480 
Working capital    (2,019)   (1,820)   199    (1,965)   144 


Capital Markets

     Although CSN’s shares appreciated by 16% in 2005, the steel-market volatility throughout the year meant that industry stocks did not do as well as usual, being heavily influenced by bouts of profit-taking on the part of investors.

     The cyclical behavior is apparent from the widely differing performance of the Company’s shares in each quarter. In the first three months, they moved up by 24.6%, as the steel market began the year at the same pace as in 2004, with historically high prices. In the second quarter, they dropped by 29.6%, due to fears that the high point of the cycle was over, given international price drop of up to 30%. In the third quarter, international prices began to recover, thanks to heated demand in certain countries, and the shares recorded a period appreciation of 36.6% . In the final three months, they dipped by 2.8%, reflecting fears that the drop in prices in Asia could trigger a generalized price slump.

Capital Market - CSNA3/SID 
    4Q04      1Q05   2Q05    3Q05   4Q05
Number of shares    286,917,045    286,917,045    286,917,045    272,067,946    272,067,946 
Market Value                     
 Closing price (R$/share)   40.86    50.92    35.83    48.94    47.55 
 Closing price (US$/share)   19.12    24.10    16.15    23.22    21.40 
 Market value (R$ million)   11,723    14,610    10,279    13,314    12,936 
 Market value (US$ million)   4,416    5,480    4,373    5,991    5,527 
 CSNA3    14.4    24.6    (29.6)    36.6    (2.8) 
 SID    23.1    26.0    (33.0)    43.8    (7.8) 
 Ibovespa - Index    26,196    26,610    25,051    31,583    33,455 
 Ibovespa - rentability (%)   12.7    1.6    (5.9)    26.1    5.9 
 Daily average (number of shares)   746,852    893,803    1,039,721    869,511    825,845 
 Daily average (R$ thousand)   34,892    52,964    48,460    39,741    37,706 
 Daily average (number of ADR´s)   500,308    840,623    815,547    812,392    773,876 
 Daily average (US$ thousands)   8,231    18,813    15,283    15,715    15,384 
Source: Economática                    


Recent Developments

Accident in Blast Furnace 3

     As detailed in the Company’s Notice to the Market, on January 22 there occurred a partial collapse of the Blast Furnace 3 gas collection and treatment system. As a result, output from this furnace, responsible for around 70% of the Company’s production, was immediately halted. There was no explosion, fire or personal injuries, and no evidence of any damage to the furnace’s main components. However, system repairs will only be completed in June, when production will begin again.

     The event was triggered by the collapse of the support framework for the main dust collector and a meticulous internal investigation is going on to determine the cause, aided by the country’s most renowned institutions specializing in this type of accident.

     The Company is insured for US$100 million against material damage and US$750 million against additional costs and income loss arising from the accident, which we believe to be more than sufficient to cover the estimated losses. The cost of he repairs is estimated at US$40 million and renting the specialized cranes needed will cost US$14 million. Production losses will be offset by the purchase of slabs from Brazil and abroad and by the use of the Company’s own inventories of intermediate and finished products. Until the moment of writing, the Company has already acquired 1 million tonnes of slabs at an average cost of US$380/t (CIF Volta Redonda).

Dividends and General Shareholders’ Meeting

     On March 27, the Board of Directors approved the payment of dividends and interest on own capital in the amount of R$1,324,087,000, for the subsequent approval of the General Shareholders’ Meeting. This sum includes the dividends paid by the Company on February 9 relative to income from the period ended June 30, 2005, in the amount of R$936,814,710.14.

Share Buy Back

     In accordance with the share buy-back program, approved by the Board of Directors in May, on December 30, 2005, the Company held 13,885,900 shares in treasury, which had been acquired at a cost of approximately R$638 million. The market value of these shares, on the same date, was R$698 million.

In 2005, the Company spent a total of R$864 million on share buy-backs, R$294 million in the final quarter.

Disclosure Procedures

     CSN’s disclosure and earnings release procedures were ranked among the 5 best in Latin America, according to the technical criteria of the 8th Investor Relations Global Rankings, held on February 15. The award is organized by MZ Consult and subject to independent assessment by a committee comprising representatives of Linklaters, Real IR Magazine and KPMG. One hundred and forty-five companies from 31 countries took part.

     The award is proof that the Company’s efforts to meet the demand for information from its investors have not been in vain.


     On February 22, CAMEX. Brazil’s Chamber of Foreign Trade, published a resolution excluding tin-plate-related items from the list of exemptions to Mercosur’s Common External Tariff. This means that the tariff on these products from outside the Mercosur trade bloc returns to 12%, after one year with no import tariff.

Suit against trading conduct

     The Economic Law Secretariat has reopened a shelved suit in 2003 brought against CSN’s trading conduct in the tin-plate market. The Company is currently gathering the necessary information to present in its defense.


Slab Mills

     On March 27, the Board of Directors approved the investment up to R$3.6 billion to enable the production of 6 million tones of slabs per year, installing 4 blast-furnaces, with a 1.5 Mt/year capacity each. The first two units will be located in Itaguaí, State of Rio de Janeiro, totalling 3 Mt/year capacity. The other furnaces locations will be defined on a timely manner.

     This investment represents the execution of the Company’s strategy of increasing its metallurgic activities capacity in Brazil, capitalizing on its competitive advantages, such as self-suficiency in energy and raw materials, especially ore, and logistic integration.

     Further details on the project can be found in a presentation available in the website ( or

New Executive Directors

     On March 27, the Board of Directors appointed Mr. Isaac Popoutchi as Executive Director responsible for the Institutional sector and Mr. Juliano de Oliveira as Executive Director of Investments in Affiliated Companies, both for a two-year period. The Board also reelected, for the same period, Mr. Marcos Marinho Lutz as Executive Director responsible for the Infra-structure and Energy sector. Mr. Pedro Felipe Neto, appointed as Executive Director in September, 2005, is now responsible for the Procurement and Coporate sectors.

     Prior to his new appointment, Mr. Popoutchi was CEO of Coimex Trading, a group operating in the logistics and foreign trade areas. He also presided over the Federal Rail Network, where he headed its privatization process, and CBTU - Companhia Brasileira de Trens Urbanos, an urban rail network.

     Mr. de Almeida has followed a career in the mining and steel industries as a director for the Villares/Sidenor Group and Camargo Corrêa Cimentos. More recently, when Camargo Corrêa acquired the Argentine company Loma Negra Cimentos, he assumed command of the firm.


     Given the likelihood of higher GDP growth in Brazil, mainly due to greater government expenditure on works and projects, and the continuing decline in interest rates, the Company expects domestic flat-steel demand to increase by around 7%. Thus sales volume and market allocations may well improve over 2005. On the other hand, international prices are expected to remain flat in the first half before falling in the second, due to a likely decline in apparent consumption.

     In addition, the international prices of coal and coke, the weightiest items in the Company’s cost structure, are already coming down, so we should see lower costs from these items, and the average EBITDA margin should remain flat throughout. Thanks to continuing high cash generation, the Company estimates a reduction in end-of-year indebtedness.



Variable   Real 2004  Guidance 2005   Real 2005   
March 05  Review Aug 05  Guidance 2006 
Production* (MM t) 5.0  4.6  4.6 
Sales Volume (MM t) 4.7  5.3  5.0  4.9  5.0 
% Sales in domestic market  70%  75%  70%  59%  80% 
Domestic and Exports
Domestic and Exports
Sales Price  Maintained  MI +14% ME 
Coal Cost (US$/t FOB) 78  120  Maintained  119  near -5% 
Coke Cost (US$/t CIF) 386  250-280  Maintained  386  Reduction to US$150/t 
EBITDA Margin  48.9%  Growth  Flat  45.8%  Flat 
Net Debt/EBITDA  0.98  <1  Maintained  1.02  0.75 
* Finished Products


Fourth Quarter 2005 Earnings Release Webcasts 

CSN will host a presentation to discuss its fourth quarter 2005 earnings and the Casa de Pedra Expansion Project on March 28, 2006, as follows:

Portuguese Presentation
(with simultaneous translation into English)
March 28, 2006 – Tuesday
10:30 am – Brasília
8:30 am – EST
Through the links: -


Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional, located in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is a steel complex comprising investments in infrastructure and logistics whose operations include captive mines, an integrated steel mill, service centers, ports, and railways. With a total annual production capacity of 5.6 million tonnes of crude steel and consolidated gross revenues of R$ 12.3 billion in 2005, CSN is also the only tin-plate producer in Brazil and one of the five largest tin-plate producers worldwide.


Certain of the statements contained herein are forward-looking statements, which express or imply results, performance or events that are expected in the future. They include future results that may be implied by historical results, the statements under “Outlook”, the expected cost of net debt compared to the CDI in 2005. Actual results, performances or events may differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements, as a result of several factors, such as the general and economic conditions in Brazil and other countries, interest rate and exchange rate levels, protectionist measures in the US, Brazil and other countries, changes in laws and regulations and general competitive factors (on a global, regional or national basis).

Follow eight pages with tables


CONSOLIDATED - Corporate Law - In Thousand of R$

    4Q2004    3Q2005    4Q2005    2004    2005 
Gross Revenue    3,649,776    2,714,016    2,842,898    12,250,641    12,283,464 
   Gross Revenue deductions    (1,057,503)   (491,654)   (435,351)   (2,451,072)   (2,245,877)
Net Revenus    2,592,273    2,222,362    2,407,547    9,799,569    10,037,587 
   Domestic Market    1,911,401    1,472,519    1,393,905    6,808,514    6,885,657 
   Export Market    680,872    749,843    1,013,642    2,991,055    3,151,930 
Cost of Good Sold (COGS)   (1,162,801)   (1,315,291)   (1,342,773)   (4,997,244)   (5,468,263)
   COGS, excluding depreciation    (954,719)   (1,096,646)   (1,127,865)   (4,215,672)   (4,597,949)
   Depreciation allocated to COGS    (208,082)   (218,645)   (214,908)   (781,572)   (870,314)
Gross Profit    1,429,472    907,071    1,064,774    4,802,325    4,569,324 
Gross Margin (%)   55.1%    40.8%    44.2%    49.0%    45.5% 
   Selling Expenses    (112,469)   (138,930)   (155,697)   (494,447)   (567,236)
     General and andminstrative expenses    (110,052)   (66,827)   (70,945)   (300,583)   (278,720)
     Depreciation allocated to SG&A    (23,448)   (13,145)   (13,709)   (56,504)   (53,781)
     Other operation income (expense), net    (137,734)   148,977    (48,163)   (176,853)   28,726 
Operating income before financial equity interests    1,045,769    837,146    776,260    3,773,938    3,698,313 
Net Financial Result    (211,990)   (38,679)   (404,465)   (921,914)   (761,174)
   Financial Expenses    (342,449)   (301,920)   (410,562)   (1,112,850)   (1,417,530)
   Financial Income    (268,526)   49,869    330,325    (38,014)   523,876 
   Net monetary and forgain exchange variations    431,769    213,372    (324,228)   341,566    132,480 
   Defferal of forgain exchange loss amortization    (32,784)       (112,616)  
Equity interest in subsidiary    (60,462)   (19,049)   (19,978)   (46,005)   (55,170)
Operating Income (loss)   773,317    779,418    351,817    2,806,019    2,881,969 
Non-operating income (expenes), Net    (4,537)   2,391    (3,197)   (1,228)   (7,372)
Income Before Income and Social Contribution Taxes    768,780    781,809    348,620    2,804,791    2,874,597 
   (Provition)/Credit for Income Tax    (171,964)   (192,493)   1,717    (587,678)   (642,805)
   (Provition)/Credit for Social Contribution    (66,306)   (72,423)   2,018    (235,325)   (226,510)
Net Income (Loss)   530,510    516,893    352,355    1,981,788    2,005,282 
EBITDA*    1,415,033    919,959    1,053,040    4,788,867    4,593,682 
EBITDA Margin (%)   54.6%    41.4%    43.7%    48.9%    45.8% 
* EBITDA = Gross income excluding selling, general and adminstrative expenses added to depreciation, amortization and exhaustion.


PARENT COMPANY - Corporate Law - In Thousand of R$

    4Q2004    3Q2005    4Q2005    2004    2005 
Gross Revenue    2,781,361    2,219,569    2,117,249    10,128,511    10,147,678 
   Gross Revenue deductions    (864,542)   (418,926)   (351,022)   (1,994,019)   (1,973,701)
Net Revenus    1,916,819    1,800,643    1,766,227    8,134,492    8,173,977 
   Domestic Market    1,482,641    1,271,697    1,085,674    6,108,316    6,073,664 
   Export Market    434,178    528,946    680,553    2,026,176    2,100,313 
Cost of Good Sold (COGS)   (814,722)   (1,075,699)   (1,010,211)   (4,063,033)   (4,448,925)
   COGS, excluding depreciation    (654,409)   (883,341)   (825,692)   (3,376,378)   (3,689,690)
   Depreciation allocated to COGS    (160,313)   (192,358)   (184,519)   (686,655)   (759,235)
Gross Profit    1,102,097    724,944    756,016    4,071,459    3,725,052 
Gross Margin (%)   57.5%    40.3%    42.8%    50.1%    45.6% 
   Selling Expenses    (67,163)   (62,740)   (70,923)   (256,830)   (260,037)
   General and andminstrative expenses    (73,456)   (45,007)   (50,727)   (219,044)   (195,387)
   Depreciation allocated to SG&A    (7,536)   (5,722)   (5,864)   (29,796)   (24,118)
   Other operation income (expense), net    (85,890)   113,194    (43,190)   (165,180)   17,727 
Operating income before financial equity interests    868,052    724,669    585,312    3,400,609    3,263,237 
Net Financial Result    (2,458)   62,253    (523,471)   (831,703)   (310,515)
   Financial Expenses    (254,560)   (141,040)   (827,355)   (1,057,338)   (1,486,294)
   Financial Income    (279,076)   (237,615)   744,655    (211,938)   252,249 
   Net monetary and forgain exchange variations    556,105    440,908    (440,771)   540,752    923,530 
   Defferal of forgain exchange loss amortization    (24,927)       (103,179)  
Equity interest in subsidiary    (29,514)   (129,596)   270,422    424,190    (374,689)
Operating Income (loss)   836,080    657,326    332,263    2,993,096    2,578,033 
Non-operating income (expenes), Net    (7,453)   2,466    (2,275)   (17,694)   (6,292)
Income Before Income and Social Contribution Taxes    828,627    659,792    329,988    2,975,402    2,571,741 
   (Provition)/Credit for Income Tax    (170,906)   (141,370)   (112,194)   (593,636)   (506,196)
   (Provition)/Credit for Social Contribution    (64,694)   (55,717)   (32,279)   (236,769)   (186,787)
Net Income (Loss)   593,027    462,705    185,515    2,144,997    1,878,758 
EBITDA*    1,121,791    809,555    818,885    4,282,240    4,028,863 
EBITDA Margin (%)   58.5%    45.0%    46.4%    52.6%    49.3% 
Additional Information 
Delibetated Dividends and Interest on Equity                717,300    2,303,045 
Proposed Dividends and Interest on Equity    2,268,045    67,721    1,139,911    2,303,045    1,324,087 
Number of Shares** - thousands    276,893    264,431    258,182    276,893    258,182 
Earnings Loss per Share - R$    2.14    1.75    0.72    7.75    7.28 
* EBITDA = Gross income excluding selling, general and adminstrative expenses added to depreciation, amortization and exhaustion.
** Excluding shares held in treasury


Corporate Law - thousands of R$

    Parent Comany    Consolidated 
    31/12/2004    31/12/2005    31/12/2004    31/12/2005 
Current Assets    6,440,179    5,545,203    8,608,514    8,164,081 
   Cash    47,411    73,034    109,485    135,185 
   Trade Accounts Receiveble    1,696,794    1,772,853    1,140,136    1,366,047 
   Inventory    1,560,071    1,396,406    2,276,027    1,907,462 
   Marketable securities    1,909,866    1,422,761    3,561,720    3,709,753 
   Recoverable Income Tax and Social Contribution    12,744    25,168    21,454    32,428 
   Deferred Income Tax and Social Contribution    409,372    439,793    517,679    503,139 
   Prepaid Income Tax    497,195      529,270    38,429 
   Other    306,726    415,188    452,743    471,638 
Long-term Assets    1,531,697    1,686,801    1,783,244    2,063,043 
Permanet Assets    17,752,126    17,313,950    14,312,890    14,220,586 
   Investments    5,450,044    5,098,885    292,649    270,745 
   PP&E    12,092,187    12,020,165    13,666,804    13,638,200 
   Deffered    209,895    194,900    353,437    311,641 
TOTAL ASSETS    25,724,002    24,545,954    24,704,648    24,447,710 
Current Liabilities    6,231,577    5,300,857    6,163,662    4,819,657 
   Loans and Financing    1,253,736    1,641,624    1,772,455    1,464,493 
   Suppliers    557,090    1,149,504    760,467    1,261,690 
   Taxes and Contributions    956,069    305,526    1,061,570    452,689 
   Dividends Payable    2,268,517    1,324,087    2,268,517    1,324,087 
   Other    1,196,165    880,116    300,653    316,698 
Long-term Liabilities    12,647,884    12,709,907    11,807,922    13,149,531 
   Loans and Financing    7,535,135    6,873,907    6,697,237    7,334,012 
   Provisions for contingences    2,323,709    3,193,064    2,439,300    3,265,677 
   Deffered Income and Social Contributions Taxes    2,296,013    2,162,947    2,296,038    2,162,947 
   Other    493,027    479,989    375,347    386,895 
Future Period Results    -    -    77,796    6,081 
Shareholdres' Equity    6,844,541    6,535,190    6,655,268    6,472,441 
   Capital    1,680,947    1,680,947    1,680,947    1,680,947 
   Capital Reserve    17,319      17,319   
   Revaluation Reserve    4,763,226    4,518,054    4,763,226    4,518,054 
   Earnings Reserve    823,392    973,800    634,119    911,051 
   Treasury Stock    (440,343)   (637,611)   (440,343)   (637,611)
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS´    25,724,002    24,545,954    24,704,648    24,447,710 


CONSOLIDATED - Corporate Law - thounsands of R$

    4Q2004    3Q2005    4Q2005    2004    2005 
Cash Flow from Operating Activities    1,524,060    533,604    1,892,439    2,830,814    4,354,586 
   Net Income for the period    530,510    516,893    352,355    1,981,788    2,005,282 
   Exchange rate defferal    32,784        112,616   
   Net exchange and monetary variations    (430,972)   (449,237)   354,983    (506,548)   (901,670)
   Provision for financial expenses    276,338    271,972    237,274    943,209    964,090 
   Depreciation, exhaustion and amortization    231,585    229,881    230,526    838,075    924,094 
   Equity results    60,462    19,049    19,978    46,005    55,170 
   Deferred income taxes and social contributions    (210,697)   86,298    (168,510)   (48,593)   (223,592)
   Provisions    14,790    (340,765)   10,470    (432,315)   (96,383)
   Working Capital    1,019,260    199,513    855,363    (103,423)   1,627,595 
   Accounts Receivable    258,328    (7,678)   107,822    8,885    (251,461)
   Inventory    (124,998)   89,732    (4,674)   (1,382,060)   362,687 
   Suppliers    217,483    (18,170)   240,924    272,987    478,590 
   Taxes    350,130    (209,920)   820,599    651,766    955,348 
   Others    318,317    345,549    (309,308)   344,999    82,431 
Cash Flow from Investment Activities    (1,022,413)   (288,727)   (255,573)   (1,668,846)   (1,016,941)
   Investments    (616)   (81)   (260)   (139,821)   (81,690)
   Fixed Assets/Deferred    (1,021,797)   (288,646)   (255,313)   (1,529,025)   (935,251)
Cash Flow from Financing Activities    (461,466)   416,410    (2,293,458)   (1,486,707)   (3,167,813)
   Issuances    1,125,093    1,868,355    93,817    3,930,839    4,415,629 
   Amortizations    (987,503)   (984,127)   (1,719,364)   (3,208,738)   (3,538,694)
   Interests Expenses    (340,769)   (201,617)   (373,898)   (1,016,329)   (911,367)
   Dividends/Interest on own capital    118    (512)   (75)   (752,136)   (2,269,006)
   Shares in treasury    (258,405)   (265,689)   (293,938)   (440,343)   (864,375)
Free Cash Flow    40,181    661,287    (656,592)   (324,739)   169,832 


Net Financial Result
Parent Company - Corporate Law - thousands of R$

    4Q2004    3Q2005    4Q2005     2004     2005 
Financial Expenses    (570,974)   (301,920)   (410,562)   (1,341,375)   (1,417,530)
Loans and financing    (276,084)   (275,506)   (231,728)   (875,319)   (957,617)
    Local currency    (53,894)   (44,383)   (38,644)   (235,773)   (173,756)
    Foreign currency    (222,190)   (231,123)   (193,084)   (639,546)   (783,861)
Transaction with subsidiaries           
Taxes    (50,291)   25,206    (104,696)   (168,393)   (260,453)
Other financial expenses    (244,599)   (51,620)   (74,138)   (297,663)   (199,460)
Financial Income    (40,001)   49,869    330,325    190,511    523,876 
Transaction with subsidiaries           
Income from cash investments    (88,755)   215,176    305,957    91,845    346,473 
Other income    48,754    (165,307)   24,368    98,666    177,403 
Exchange and monetary variations         398,985    213,372    (324,228)   228,950    132,480 
Net monetary change    (33,673)   8,132    (16,446)   (70,748)   (16,288)
Net exchange change         465,442    205,240    (307,782)   412,314    148,768 
Deffered exchange losses    (32,784)       (112,616)  
Net Financial Result    (211,990)   (38,679)   (404,465)   (921,914)   (761,174)

Net Financial Result
Consolidated - Corporate Law - thousands of R$

    4Q2004    3Q2005    4Q2005     2004     2005 
Financial Expenses    (582,652)   (141,040)   (827,355)   (1,385,430)   (1,486,294)
Loans and financing    (104,819)   (108,210)   (105,683)   (466,804)   (400,681)
    Local currency    (46,823)   (43,529)   (38,303)   (239,516)   (167,853)
    Foreing currency    (57,996)   (64,681)   (67,380)   (227,288)   (232,828)
Transaction with subsidiaries    (90,455)   (61,655)   (61,682)   (404,364)   (278,506)
Taxes    (54,117)   31,263    (98,398)   (165,439)   (236,527)
Other financial expenses    (333,261)   (2,438)   (561,592)   (348,823)   (570,580)
Financial Income    49,016    (237,615)   744,655    116,154    252,249 
Transaction with subsidiaries    6,214        55,137   
Income from cash investments    27,487    (276,619)   712,952    14,885    147,577 
Other income    15,315    39,004    31,703    46,132    104,672 
Exchange and monetary variations    531,178    440,908    (440,771)   437,573    923,530 
Net monetary change    194    4,516    (11,759)   (36,853)   (13,288)
Net exchange change    555,911    436,392    (429,012)   577,605    936,818 
Deffered exchange losses    (24,927)       (103,179)  
Net Financial Result    (2,458)   62,253    (523,471)   (831,703)   (310,515)


Consolidated - Thousand of tons

  4Q2004    3Q2005    4Q2005    2004    2005 
DOMESTIC MARKET    756    613    598    3,298    2,875 
   Slabs    12    11    16    57    46 
   Hot Rolled    273    192    169    1,142    1,037 
   Cold Rolled    129    70    87    648    399 
   Galvanized    192    177    177    783    726 
   Tin Plate    150    163    150    668    667 
EXPORT MARKET    282    568    752    1,447    1,989 
   Slabs        81    44    86 
   Hot Rolled    38    237    255    417    630 
   Cold Rolled    19    91    87    96    231 
   Galvanized    161    156    207    576    695 
   Tin Plate    64    78    123    312    347 
TOTAL MARKET    1,038    1,181    1,350    4,744    4,864 
   Slabs    12    16    96    101    131 
   Hot Rolled    311    430    424    1,559    1,667 
   Cold Rolled    147    161    173    745    630 
   Galvanized    354    333    383    1,359    1,421 
   Tin Plate    214    241    272    980    1,014 

Parent Company - Thousand of tons

  4Q2004    3Q2005    4Q2005    2004    2005 
DOMESTIC MARKET    828    637    540    3,354    2,939 
   Slabs    12    11    16    57    46 
   Hot Rolled    289    200    141    1,138    1,037 
   Cold Rolled    216    131    103    821    589 
   Galvanized    165    132    138    681    601 
   Tin Plate    146    163    143    658    666 
EXPORT MARKET    234    468    652    1,297    1,647 
   Slabs    67      81    322    122 
   Hot Rolled    60    270    274    510    717 
   Cold Rolled      94    109    21    277 
   Galvanized    53    29    75    169    219 
   Tin Plate    54    69    113    275    311 
TOTAL MARKET    1,062    1,105    1,192    4,652    4,586 
   Slabs    79    16    96    379    167 
   Hot Rolled    348    470    414    1,648    1,755 
   Cold Rolled    216    225    212    843    866 
   Galvanized    219    161    213    850    820 
   Tin Plate    200    232    257    932    978 


Consolidated - In R$/ton

  4Q2004    3Q2005    4Q2005    2004    2005 
DOMESTIC MARKET    1,754    2,019    1,890    1,770    2,025 
   Slabs    923    700    664    810    745 
   Hot Rolled    1,535    1,553    1,405    1,426    1,656 
   Cold Rolled    1,592    1,696    1,670    1,722    1,944 
   Galvanized    1,983    2,304    2,048    2,048    2,258 
   Tin Plate    2,068    2,488    2,505    2,162    2,482 
EXPORT MARKET    2,292    1,296    1,335    1,996    1,542 
   Slabs      833    499    1,410    520 
   Hot Rolled    1,919    999    998    1,572    1,096 
   Cold Rolled    2,286    1,169    1,101    2,140    1,277 
   Galvanized    2,318    1,457    1,788    2,251    1,856 
   Tin Plate    2,449    2,056    1,987    2,132    2,150 
TOTAL MARKET    1,901    1,671    1,581    1,839    1,827 
   Slabs    923    743    526    1,073    598 
   Hot Rolled    1,620    1,247    1,160    1,465    1,444 
   Cold Rolled    1,823    1,398    1,385    1,777    1,700 
   Galvanized    2,174    1,907    1,908    2,134    2,061 
   Tin Plate    2,217    2,348    2,272    2,153    2,368 

Parent Company - In R$/ton

  4Q2004    3Q2005    4Q2005    2004    2005 
DOMESTIC MARKET    1,710    1,827    1,816    1,710    1,916 
   Slabs    923    700    664    810    745 
   Hot Rolled    1,469    1,424    1,399    1,381    1,579 
   Cold Rolled    1,648    1,493    1,517    1,639    1,743 
   Galvanized    2,043    2,188    2,016    2,058    2,240 
   Tin Plate    1,968    2,372    2,373    2,085    2,382 
EXPORT MARKET    1,824    1,124    1,043    1,538    1,262 
   Slabs    1,503    615    678    1,336    877 
   Hot Rolled    1,644    909    822    1,292    979 
   Cold Rolled      1,104    1,072    1,926    1,197 
   Galvanized    2,129    1,498    1,377    2,088    1,591 
   Tin Plate    2,123    1,875    1,586    1,866    1,893 
TOTAL MARKET    1,735    1,529    1,393    1,662    1,681 
   Slabs    1,415    672    676    1,257    841 
   Hot Rolled    1,499    1,128    1,018    1,354    1,334 
   Cold Rolled    1,648    1,330    1,289    1,646    1,569 
   Galvanized    2,064    2,065    1,790    2,064    2,067 
   Tin Plate    2,009    2,224    2,025    2,020    2,227 


In R$/US$

    1Q2004    2Q2004    3Q2004    4Q2004    1Q2005    2Q2005    1Q2005    4Q2005 
Average         2.8959    3.0452    2.9769    2.7857    2.6652    2.4818    2.3428    2.2509 
% change        5.2%    -2.2%    -6.4%    -4.3%    -6.9%    -5.6%    -3.9% 
End of Period         2.9086    3.1075    2.8586    2.6544    2.6662    2.3504    2.2222    2.3407 
% change        6.8%    -8.0%    -7.1%    0.4%    -11.8%    -5.5%    5.3% 



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: March 28, 2006

/S/ Benjamin Steinbruch

Benjamin Steinbruch
Chief Executive Officer and
Acting Chief Financial Officer



This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.