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Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For the month of April, 2007

Commission File Number 1-14732

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

National Steel Company
(Translation of Registrant's name into English)

Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima 3400, 20º andar
São Paulo, SP, Brazil
(Address of principal executive office)

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São Paulo, April 24, 2007

Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional CSN (BOVESPA: CSNA3) (NYSE: SID) announces today its results for the first quarter of 2007 (1Q07), in accordance with Brazilian accounting principles and denominated in Brazilian Reais (R$). All comments presented herein refer to consolidated results and comparisons refer to the first quarter of 2006 (1Q06), unless otherwise stated. On March 30, 2007, the Real/US Dollar exchange rate was R$ 2.0504.

Main Highlights 

The Company sold its 3.8% minority stake in the UK/Holland-based steel manufacturer, Corus, generating non-operating gains of R$ 133 million, net of taxes.
As part of CSN’s conditional proposal for the acquisition of Corus and pursuant to the Implementation Agreement entered into by both parties on December 10, 2006, CSN booked a break-up fee of R$235 million under “other operating revenue”, corresponding to 1% of its final revised offer for Corus. Net of expenses related to the acquisition process, this amounted to additional revenue of R$ 122 million in the first quarter.
On 03/30/2007:  Investor Relations Team 
•   Bovespa: CSNA3 R$ 88.85/share  - IR Officer: José Marcos Treiger - (11) 3049-7511 
•   NYSE: SID US$ 42.84/ADR (1 ADR = 1 share) - Manager: David Moise Salama - (11) 3049-7588 
•   Total shares = 272,067,946  - Specialist: Claudio Pontes - (11) 3049-7592 
•   Market Cap: R$ 24.2 billion / US$ 11.8 billion  - Senior Analyst: Priscila Kurata – (11) 3049-7526 
      [email protected] 


Consolidated Highlights                1Q07 X 1Q06    1Q07 X 4Q06 
  1Q06    4Q06    1Q07    (Chg%)   (Chg%)
Crude Steel Production    540    1,307    1,321    144.6%    1.1% 
Sales Volume (thousand t)   997    1,193    1,195    19.9%    0.2% 
   Domestic Market    604    732    719    19.0%    -1.7% 
   Exports    393    462    476    21.1%    3.0% 
Net Revenue per unit (R$/t)   1,688    1,856    1,781    5.5%    -4.0% 
Financial Data (RS MM)                    
   Net Revenue    1,953    2,576    2,485    27.2%    -3.6% 
   Gross Income    736    966    1,008    36.9%    4.4% 
   EBITDA    787    984    1,015    29.0%    3.2% 
   Adjusted EBITDA    948    809    1,015    7.1%    25.5% 
   Net Income    340    83    763    124.4%    819.3% 
Net Debt (R$ MM)   5,010    6,659    6,050    20.8%    -9.1% 

Economic and Steel Scenario 

The performance of the international steel market in the first quarter of 2007 exceeded the average expectations of the steelmakers. The main events during this period included:


US spot prices for rolled flat steel staged a recovery throughout the first quarter, chiefly due to the following factors:
1) Local producers’ prompt reaction to the reduction in imports that had been in effect since the beginning of 2007, with year-on-year slides of 25% and 10% in January and February, respectively. The downturn was caused by higher import prices and the fact that the local steelmakers rapidly occupied the resulting commercial spaces.
2) A significant quarter-long increase in the price of scrap, a raw material widely used by the US mini-mills. The resulting pass-through process led to higher local steel prices.
3) A decline in distributors’ inventories, although these are still at historically high levels.

We believe distributors’ inventories will continue to fall in the 2Q07, driven by higher consumption in the main steel-consuming sectors. This scenario, if confirmed, may trigger moderate price rises throughout the period.


The first quarter was marked by strong demand and reduced imports, allowing flat rolled spot prices to recover. The reduction in imports from Russia, Ukraine, Iran and the Middle East was due to the fact that these traditional suppliers were prioritizing their own domestic markets, which were equally heated.

‘The international market performed above the steel producers expectations.’


As a result, the price of flat steel imports in Europe was higher than those of their locally produced counterparts. In Italy and Spain, steel demand is in line with their positive economic scenarios, allied to a higher demand for steel products by the local industrial and construction sectors.

European prices are likely to continue moving up in the 2Q07. In fact, leading local players have already hinted at increases of between 5% and 10% for the period in question. The outlook is therefore a positive one, although import pressure will have to remain at current levels if the price pass-through is to be successful.


As in Europe, demand remained strong throughout the first quarter. However, increased regional output has been causing some uncertainties, and the imbalance between supply and demand is evident from the increase in local inventories. This may act as a barrier against price improvements. Prices, in fact, have been falling in recent months.

It is also worth remembering that February (the Chinese New Year) is traditionally a weak sales month. The Asian steel industry has been exporting its surplus output to the Middle East, where demand at the moment is highly favorable.

An important event occurred on April 15 last, when the Chinese government announced a reduction in fiscal export incentives for certain steel products. This may lead local producers to push up their export prices, as a means of protecting their profit margins.

We expect Asian consumption to increase in the 2Q07, led by the west and southeast regions of the continent, a historical trend at this time of the year, which could lead to improved price levels.


Brazil’s economic indicators favored sustained growth in the 1Q07. The Brazilian Central Bank reduced the basic interest rate (SELIC) by 0.5 p.p. from 13.25%, at the beginning of the year, to 12.75% . The Brazilian Real/US dollar exchange rate also fell throughout the quarter, and the Brazilian currency closed 4% up in comparison with its end-of-2006 level.

The Brazilian flat steel market (hot-rolled, cold-rolled, galvanized, tin mill products, slabs, heavy plates and special steel) did well in the quarter, with sales volume moving up 15.2% year-on-year. The upturn in consumption was led by the construction, distribution, home appliance/OEM and automotive sectors. The market also moved up 4.4% over the previous quarter.

Orders from the construction industry recorded a particularly impressive performance, with billed volumes increasing by 40.7% over the 1Q06. Agriculture and wide-diameter ((Ø>7") welded pipes also did well. In comparison with the 4Q06, billed volumes moved up 5.3%, led by the same segments.

The 2007 outlook for the agriculture segment remains positive, with orders for silos, machinery and implements continuing to grow.

Tin mill product sales volume to the packaging industry increased by 10.8% over the 1Q06, and by 4.8% over the previous quarter.

Orders from the distribution sector moved up 16.2% year-on-year, and 2.5% quarter-over-quarter, fueled by higher consumption from the auto-parts, welded steel profiles and narrow diameter welded pipes (Ø<7") segments.

‘The domestic steel market reported significative results in 1Q07.’


The home-appliance parts market absorbed 17.8% more steel products than in the 1Q06. In comparison with the 4Q06, volume moved up 1.9% .

The automotive industry also played an important role in the improvement of the flat steel performance in the 1Q07. Its flat-steel consumption climbed by 8.4% over the 4Q06, pushed by strong demand from the carmakers and the auto-parts industry.

Demand is expected to remain heated throughout the 2Q07, due to the gradual reduction in local interest rates coupled with the stable currency, both of which associated with growth incentives generated by the “public and private investment” program (PAC), and in line with previous forecasts.


First-quarter crude steel production totaled 1.3 million tons, 145% up on the same period in 2006 and in line with the previous quarter. It is also worth noting that inventories of slabs and coils acquired from third parties, whose production costs are higher than those produced internally, were practically exhausted.

                1Q07 x 1Q06    1Q07 x 4Q06 
Production (in thousand t)   1Q06    4Q06    1Q07    (Chg.%)   (Chg.%)
Crude Steel (P Vargas Mill)   540    1,307    1,321    145%    1% 
Purchased Slabs from Third Parties    88    65    24    -73%    -63% 
Total Crude Steel    628    1,372    1,345    114%    -2% 
Rolled Products * (UPV)   751    1,173    1,171    56%    0% 
Hot Coil Acquired from Third Parties      32       
Total Rolled Products    751    1,205    1,171    56%    -3% 

* Products delivered for sale, including shipments to CSN Paraná and GalvaSud.

Rolled Steel output totaled 1.17 million tones, 56% up year-on-year - led by hot-rolled (+52%), cold-rolled (+56%) and tin plate (+52%). In comparison with the previous quarter, production remained flat.

‘Rolled steel products output in 1Q07 increased by 56% year-over-year.’


Production Costs (Parent Company)

The total production cost came to R$ 1.19 billion in the first quarter, R$ 295 million, or 33%, more than in the 1Q06. The increase was essentially due to the return of Blast Furnace #3 to operations, which increased production volume and, consequently, raw-material consumption.

The most significant increases in raw-material costs were as follows:

- Imported coal (R$ 62 million), coke (R$ 21 million), iron ore/pellets (R$ 59 million) and zinc (R$ 57 million). In the particular case of zinc costs, the upturn was not only due to the increase in production volume, but also to higher market prices for this metal;
- Increased expenses with fuel, electric power, supplies, outsourced services and others also contributed R$ 85 million to the overall cost increase.

On the other hand, the reduced consumption of slabs acquired from third parties led to a cost decrease of R$ 55 million in the same period.

It is also worth mentioning that production costs fell by around R$120 million (-10%) over the previous quarter, mainly due to the above-mentioned reduced consumption of slabs and coils acquired from third parties (R$ 71 million) and also to lower coal costs (R$ 16 million).

Steel slabs unit production costs (with depreciation) fell from R$ 778/t in the 1Q06, to R$ 542/t (US$257/t) in the 1Q07, returning to the Company’s usual and highly competitive levels. The decline was primarily due to lower coal and coke acquisition prices, the appreciation of the Real against the US dollar and the greater dilution of fixed costs. The Company produced around 1.3 million tones of slabs in the 1Q07, versus 0.5 million in the 1Q06.

‘Steel slabs unit production cost decreased by 30% compared to 1Q06.’



Total Sales Volume

CSN recorded total 1Q07 sales volume of 1.195 million tones, 20% up in comparison with the 1Q06 and in line with the 4Q06.

Domestic Market

Domestic market sales volume stood at 719,000 tones, 19% up year-on-year, due to a combination of heated demand in the 1Q07 and the reduced availability of products for sale in the 1Q06 due to the accident to Blast Furnace #3. In comparison with the 4Q06, sales volume remained stable.

Export Market

Export volume in the first three months of 2007 totaled 476,000 tons, 3% more than in the 4Q06 and a substantial 21% higher than the first quarter of 2006. The increase was due to strong demand in the global steel markets, which exceeded steelmakers’ expectations.

Market Share and Product Mix

In the 1Q07, CSN maintained its market share of 33% of the domestic flat steel market (hot-rolled, cold-rolled, galvanized steel and tin mill products), an improvement over the 30% recorded in the 1Q06.

As for the product mix, the Company once again exceeded a 52% market share of coated products, in line with the 53% registered in the 4Q06.

‘CSN maintained its 33% market share in the Domestic Flat Steel Market.’



In the domestic market, the Company’s 1Q07 average prices remained at the same level as in the previous quarter. As of January 2007, the Company successfully implemented a domestic price increase of 6% for galvanized products. When compared to the 1Q06, CSN’s prices increased by 7%, once again led by coated products.

In the export market, prices in US dollars and Euros also remained virtually stable over the 4Q06. When translated into Brazilian Reais, however, prices were lower due to the appreciation of the local currency, coupled with a specific effect of a temporary lower quality mix. When compared with the 1Q06, average export prices in US dollars and Euros moved up.

Prices are likely to increase in the 2Q07, both in Brazil (given still strong local demand and reduced inventories) and the international market, which is also recovering.

Net Revenue 

Stable prices coupled with equally stable domestic and export sales volume in comparison with the 4Q06 led to total 1Q07 revenue of R$ 2.485 billion. In year-on-year terms, net revenue increased by 27% due to the price and volume trends mentioned previously.

Net Revenue      STEEL        MINING           
    Domestic    Exports    Total    Domestic    Exports    Total    OTHERS    TOTAL
Volume (thousand tonnes)   719    476    1,195    1,132    364    1,496     
Net Revenue (R$ MM)   1,385    743    2,128    48    31    80    277    2,485 

Operating Revenue / Expenses

CSN’s 1Q07 operating expenses totaled R$ 161 million, R$ 103 million up year-on-year due to the non-recurring booking of R$177 million in provisions for lost earnings in the 1Q06, registered under “other operating revenue”.

In relation to the 4Q06, the Company recorded a non-recurring positive variation of R$ 328 million, due to the transfer of revenue to cover material damages, totaling R$ 193 million, from “operating revenue” to “non-operating revenue”. Throughout 2006, this amount had been recorded as “operating revenue”, and was reallocated to “non-operating revenue” in the 4Q06.

‘The outlook for steel prices for 2Q07 remains positive’


In addition, and also in the 1Q07, due to CSN’s participation in the auction of the Anglo-Dutch steelmaker, Corus, and the resulting Implementation Agreement entered into by both parties on December 10, 2006, the Company recorded the accounting impact of this operation, including: (i) consolidated expenses incurred during the project in the amount of R$ 113 million; and (ii) consolidated revenue from the break-up fee in the amount of R$ 235 million. These amounts are booked under “other operating expenses” and “other operating revenue”, respectively.

Until now, CSN has received R$ 515 million in advances from the insurers, R$ 39 million of which in the 1Q07 and the rest in 2006.


EBITDA totaled R$ 1.015 billion in the 1Q06, 29% up year-on-year, accompanied by an EBITDA margin of above 40%, more than 6 p.p. higher than the 2006 average, proof that the Company had fully recovered from the January 2006 accident to the installations adjacent to its main blast furnace (BF# 3). It is also worth noting that the 1Q07 EBITDA margin still reflected a small portion of the cost associated with the acquisition of steel slabs from third parties

Financial Result and Indebtedness 

The 1Q07 net financial result was a positive R$54 million, versus a negative R$ 107 million in the 1Q06. In comparison with the 4Q06, when the result was a negative R$ 255 million, the improvement - equivalent to R$ 309 million - was even more significant.

This important result was primarily due to the upturn in financial revenue, reflecting increased gains from treasury operations, and the Company’s higher close-of-quarter cash and cash equivalent position. Financial expenses were in line with the 1Q06, and improved by R$ 35 million over the 4Q06, thanks to the reduction in the weighted average carrying cost of the debt, in turn due to the reduced interest rate on the Brazilian Reais portion of the debt and the impact of the lower average dollar on its foreign-currency portion. The overall debt profile also improved, through the exchange of higher for lower-interest debt instruments.

‘CSN's EBITDA Margin exceeded 40%, approximately 6% higher when compared to the 2006 average.’


CSN’s gross debt remained flat over the 4Q06, while net debt recorded a substantial year-on-year reduction of R$ 609 million due to the increase in cash and cash equivalents.

As a result, the net debt/EBITDA ratio fell from 1.74x, in the 4Q06, to 1.56x, without considering the total positive cash effect from the Corus bidding process and the appreciation of Corus’ shares sold by CSN (R$1.1 billion), booked in April, 2007.

On March 31, 2007, CSN’s weighted average financial cost in Brazilian Reais remained at around 12% p.a., whilst the average maturity of the total debt was 7.7 years.

Non-operating Revenue / Expenses 

The Company recorded a 1Q07 non-operating result of R$ 180 million, versus R$18 million in the 4Q06 and R$ 0.2 million in the 1Q06. It is worth highlighting the R$182 million net gain from the sale of 34,072,613 shares in Corus Group PLC (3.8% of the Company’s outstanding capital). Net of taxes, this amount corresponded to non-recurring revenue of R$ 133 million.

Income Taxes 

Consolidated first-quarter income and social contribution taxes totaled R$ 291 million, primarily due to increased taxable income, as explained by the variations dealt with above.

‘The Net Debt/EBITDA ratio decreased significantly in 1Q07.’


Net Income 

CSN’s Net Income in the 1Q07 totaled R$ 763 million, R$ 422 million higher than in the first quarter of 2006. The main variations contributing to this improved performance were as follows:

It is also important, in the year-on-year comparison, to consider the non-recurring provisions for lost earnings of R$ 177 million which impacted the bottom line in the 1Q06, plus the increase of R$ 70 million in income and social contribution taxes in the 1Q07.

Net income was R$ 679 million higher than in the 4Q06, due to the following factors:


Investments in the 1Q07 totaled R$ 234 million, mostly allocated to the following projects:

- Expansion of the Casa de Pedra iron ore mine: R$ 59 million;    - Cement plant: R$ 15 million; 
- MRS (transportation and logistics): R$ 47 million;    - Prada – CSN’s subsidiary (metallurgy): 14 million; 
- Expansion of the port of Itaguaí: R$ 17 million;    - Maintenance and repairs: R$ 22 million. 

The remainder went to smaller, but also relevant, projects geared towards improving the technology of the Company and its subsidiaries.

It is worth pointing out that, following the completion of the first phase of the Iron Ore Terminal in the port of Itaguaí, CSN has already exported around 360,000 tons of iron ore. The facility’s current export capacity is seven million tons per year and is expected to reach 30 million tons on the conclusion of the second stage. After the third and final stage, annual export capacity will reach 40 million tons. Total investments in the port are estimated at US$ 260 million.

‘CSN's 1Q07 Net Income is a 5-year quarterly record.’


Working Capital 

On March 31, 2007, working capital invested in the business totaled R$ 1.8 billion, 8% less than at the end of 2006. The decrease was primarily due to the reduction in the ‘cash and cash equivalents’ and ‘overseas accounts receivable’ lines, although the impact was almost entirely offset by the reduction in the ‘suppliers’ line.

The average supplier payment period remained at around 90 days, while client payment periods fell from an average of 41 to 33 days. The average inventory period remained in line with the 4Q06 at around 150 days.

            R$ MM 
            1Q07 x 4Q06 
WORKING CAPITAL    Dec/2006    Mar/2007    Chg.% 
Assets    4,045    3,867    178 
Cash    167    78    89 
Accounts Receivable    1,292    1,113    179 
- Domestic Market    766    756    11 
- Export Market    635    468    167 
- Allowance for Debtful    (109)   (110)  
Inventory    2,435    2,457    (22)
Advances to Suppliers    151    219    (68)
Liabilities    2,118    2,100    18 
Suppliers    1,568    1,449    119 
Salaries and Social Contribution    91    144    (53)
Taxes Payable    407    458    (51)
Advances from Clients    52    49    3 
Working Capital    1,927    1,767    160 
TURN OVER RATIO            1Q07 x 4Q06 
Average Periods    Dec/2006    Mar/2007    Chg.% 
Receivables    41    33    8 
Supplier Payment    94    88    (6)
Inventory Turnover    146    150    (4)

Capital Market 

CSN’s shares did well in the 1Q07, appreciating by close to 38%, versus just 3% for the Ibovespa index.

The Company’s ADRs, traded on the New York Stock Exchange, did even better, moving up by around 43%, a significant positive performance when set against the 1% fall experienced by the Dow Jones index in the same period.

Traded financial volume did equally well, climbing by 90% on the BOVESPA and 60% on the NYSE.

CSN has been one of the most outstanding companies listed on the BOVESPA, not only in terms of share appreciation, but also due to its substantial dividend payments. In 2006, CSN led the rankings in terms of dividend payout per share.

‘CSN’s shares appreciated by close to 38% in 1Q07.’


Capital Markets - CSNA3 / SID / IBOVESPA             
    1Q06    4Q06    1Q07 
N# of shares    272,067,946    272,067,946    272,067,947 
Market Capitalization             
   Closing price (R$/share)   63.80    64.50    88.85 
   Closing price (US$/share)   31.42    29.98    42.84 
   Market Capitalization (R$ million)   17,359    17,548    24,173 
   Market Capitalization (US$ million)   7,991    8,208    11,792 
   CSNA3 (%)   43.1    4.0    37.8 
   SID (%)   46.1    5.5    42.9 
   Ibovespa - index    37,951    44,473    45,804 
   Ibovespa - variation (%)   13.4    22.0    3.0 
   Average daily (n# of shares)   898,787    585,453    979,193 
   Average daily (R$ Thousand)   53,934    38,266    72,710 
   Average daily (n# of ADR´s)   1,072,947    792,474    1,073,605 
   Average daily (US$ Thousand)   29,711    24,130    38,595 
Source: Economática             

‘2006 total dividend proposal exceeds R$ 1.4 billion.’


Recent Developments 

Annual Shareholders’ Meeting and Dividends

On March 28, 2007, CSN’s Board of Directors approved the following proposal for the allocation of net income and realized reserves for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2006 in the total amount of R$ 1,473,262 thousand, to be submitted to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of April 30, 2007:

Ratification of the prepayment of dividends, approved by the Board of Directors on June 23, 2006, in the amount of R$415,000 thousand, equivalent to R$1.612192 per share, and on August 3, 2006, in the amount of R$333,000 thousand, equivalent to R$1.293639 per share, totaling R$748,000 thousand in advanced dividend payments. 
Payment of interest on equity in the amount of R$174,428 thousand, equivalent to R$ 0.677619 per share (gross), and dividends in the amount of R$510,834 thousand, equivalent to R$1.984488 per share (gross); 
Constitution of an investment reserve in the amount of R$40,000 thousand, as per the budget to be approved by the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, which includes, among other investments, the expansion projects and new businesses. 
Since the upper limit of the legal reserve has already been reached, no resources will be allocated thereto. 

Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting and Cancellation of Shares

Also on April 30, 2007, an Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting will vote on the proposal to cancel 15,578,128 shares currently held in treasury with no reduction in capital.


Public Investor Meeting Webcast - Porto de Itaguaí 

CSN is pleased to invite you to join the ‘STOCK & STEEL 2007’ Webcast Event with simultaneous translation into English, as follows:

Portuguese Presentation with
Simultaneous Translation into English
April 26, 2007 – Thursday
10:00 a.m. (NY Time)
11:00 a.m. (Brasília Time)
Webcast: or
at the IR website:

Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional, located in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is a steel complex comprising investments in infrastructure and logistics whose operations include captive mines, an integrated steel mill, service centers, ports and railways. With a total annual production capacity of 5.6 million tons of crude steel and consolidated gross revenues of R$ 11 billion in 2005, CSN is also the only tin-plate producer in Brazil and one of the five largest tin-plate producers worldwide. It is also one of the world’s most profitable steelmakers. 

EBITDA represents net income (loss) before the financial result, income and social contribution taxes, depreciation and amortization. EBITDA should not be regarded as an alternative to net income (loss) as an indicator of CSN’s operating performance or as an alternative to cash flow as an indicator of liquidity. Although CSN’s management considers EBITDA to be a practical means of measuring operating performance and permitting comparisons with other companies, it is not recognized by Brazilian Accounting Principles (Brazilian Corporate Law or BR GAAP) or US Accounting Principles (US GAAP)and other companies may define and calculate it differently. 

Net debt as presented is used by CSN to measure our financial performance. However, net debt is not recognized as a measurement of financial performance according to the accounting practices adopted in Brazil, nor should it be considered in isolation, or as an alternative to net income or financial result as an indicator of liquidity. 

Certain of the statements contained herein are forward-looking statements, which express or imply results, performance or events that are expected in the future. These include future results that may be implied by historical results and the statements under ‘Outlook’. Actual results, performance or events may differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements as a result of several factors, such as the general and economic conditions in Brazil and other countries, interest rate and exchange rate levels, protectionist measures in the US, Brazil and other countries, changes in laws and regulations and general competitive factors (on a global, regional or national basis). 


CONSOLIDATED - Corporate Law - In Thousand of R$

    1Q2006    4Q2006    1Q2007 
Gross Revenue    2,408,857    3,231,363    3,078,691 
     Gross Revenue deductions    (455,910)   (655,051)   (594,009)
Net Revenues    1,952,947    2,576,312    2,484,682 
     Domestic Market    1,345,188    1,730,172    1,682,041 
     Export Market    607,759    846,140    802,641 
Cost of Good Sold (COGS)   (1,216,783)   (1,610,297)   (1,476,874)
     COGS, excluding depreciation    (983,655)   (1,384,588)   (1,243,878)
     Depreciation allocated to COGS    (233,128)   (225,709)   (232,996)
Gross Profit    736,164    966,015    1,007,808 
Gross Margin (%)   37.7%    37.5%    40.6% 
     Selling Expenses    (110,942)   (121,789)   (139,579)
     General and andminstrative expenses    (70,884)   (85,882)   (86,099)
     Depreciation allocated to SG&A    (12,752)   (13,083)   (12,961)
     Other operation income (expense), net    136,255    (267,808)   77,645 
Operating income before financial equity interests    677,841    477,453    846,814 
Net Financial Result    (106,634)   (254,759)   54,163 
     Financial Expenses    (343,806)   (372,249)   (337,315)
     Financial Income    (23,363)   (18,390)   194,460 
     Net monetary and forgain exchange variations    260,535    135,880    197,018 
Equity interest in subsidiary    (10,789)   (23,945)   (27,751)
Operating Income (loss)   560,418    198,749    873,226 
Non-operating income (expenes), Net    201    17,665    180,241 
Income Before Income and Social Contribution Taxes    560,619    216,414    1,053,467 
     (Provision)/Credit for Income Tax    (159,503)   (153,948)   (247,558)
     (Provision)/Credit for Social Contribution    (50,108)   (62,845)   (67,212)
     Deferred Income Tax    (5,525)   45,456    18,297 
     Deferred Social Contribution    (5,065)   38,337    5,910 
Net Income (Loss)   340,418    83,415    762,903 
EBITDA*    787,466    984,053    1,015,126 
EBITDA Margin (%)   40.3%    38.2%    40.9% 
Adjusted EBITDA    947,744    808,894    1,015,126 
Adjusted EBITDA Margin    48.5%    31.4%    40.9% 


PARENT COMPANY - Corporate Law - In Thousand of R$

    1Q2006    4Q2006    1Q2007 
Gross Revenues    1,872,179    2,471,516    2,431,278 
     Gross Revenues deductions    (367,492)   (477,786)   (482,279)
Net Revenus    1,504,687    1,993,730    1,948,999 
     Domestic Market    1,103,673    1,386,629    1,452,456 
     Export Market    401,014    607,101    496,543 
Cost of Good Sold (COGS)   (1,003,240)   (1,264,392)   (1,180,380)
     COGS, excluding depreciation    (798,130)   (1,076,824)   (987,839)
     Depreciation allocated to COGS    (205,110)   (187,568)   (192,541)
Gross Profit    501,447    729,338    768,619 
Gross Margin (%)   33.3%    36.6%    39.4% 
     Selling Expenses    (63,662)   (42,863)   (66,926)
     General and andminstrative expenses    (48,350)   (58,084)   (54,015)
     Depreciation allocated to SG&A    (5,769)   (5,915)   (5,874)
     Other operation income (expense), net    130,065    (280,008)   (38,622)
Operating income before financial equity interests    513,731    342,468    603,182 
Net Financial Result    (150,433)   (233,185)   (94,744)
     Financial Expenses    (271,419)   (283,786)   (274,762)
     Financial Income    (340,591)   (113,919)   (105,257)
     Net monetary and forgain exchange variations    461,577    164,520    285,275 
Equity interest in subsidiary    82,948    20,845    487,695 
Operating Income (loss)   446,246    130,128    996,133 
Non-operating income (expenes), Net    104    16,660    (1,023)
Income Before Income and Social Contribution Taxes    446,350    146,788    995,110 
     (Provition)/Credit for Income Tax    (122,885)   (108,276)   (159,446)
     (Provition)/Credit for Social Contribution    (41,047)   (49,994)   (56,538)
     Imposto de Renda Diferido    13,760    60,228    (18,130)
     Contribuição Social Diferida    1,850    43,664    (7,509)
Net Income (Loss)   298,028    92,410    753,488 
EBITDA*    594,545    815,959    840,219 
EBITDA Margin (%)   39.5%    40.9%    43.1% 
Adjusted EBITDA    754,823    640,800    840,219 
Adjusted EBITDA Margin    50.2%    32.1%    43.1% 
Additional Information             
Proposed Dividends and Interest on Equity    43,796    1,301,101    31,990 
Number of Shares** - thousands    257,413    257,413    256,490 
Earnings Loss per Share - R$    1.16    0.36    2.94 

* EBITDA = Gross income excluding selling, general and adminstrative expenses added to depreciation, amortization and exhaustion.
** Excluding shares held in treasury


Corporate Law - thousands of R$

    Consolidated    Parent Company 
    3/31/2007    12/31/2006    3/31/2007    12/31/2006 
Current Assets    9,320,158    7,927,762    5,595,840    5,008,626 
Cash    77,557    167,288    11,679    71,389 
Marketable securities    3,109,332    2,455,813    984,256    517,474 
Trade Accounts Receivable    1,113,774    1,292,291    1,531,762    1,428,866 
Inventory    2,457,460    2,435,281    1,684,581    1,649,930 
Insurance claims    408,421    447,107    408,421    447,107 
Deffered Income Tax and Social Contribution    442,888    429,630    330,229    317,992 
Other    1,710,726    700,352    644,912    575,868 
Non-Current Assets    16,444,423    17,100,539    19,807,126    19,296,714 
   Long-Term Assets    2,008,201    1,927,316    1,832,610    1,778,635 
   Investments    250,146    957,674    5,833,386    5,309,209 
   PP&E    13,937,450    13,948,261    11,976,389    12,031,793 
   Deferred    248,626    267,288    164,741    177,077 
TOTAL ASSETS    25,764,581    25,028,301    25,402,966    24,305,340 
Current Liabilities    4,287,853    4,317,780    5,369,771    5,521,473 
Loans and Financing    960,063    1,080,487    1,919,879    2,163,092 
Suppliers    1,448,748    1,568,331    1,280,978    1,404,537 
Taxes and Contributions    811,422    624,486    586,777    385,694 
Dividends Payable    718,175    686,984    718,175    686,984 
Other    349,445    357,492    863,962    881,166 
Non-Current Liabilities    14,688,350    14,586,377    13,151,800    12,557,291 
Long-term Liabilities    14,683,127    14,581,085    13,151,800    12,557,291 
Loans and Financing    8,418,182    8,344,817    6,864,729    6,316,297 
Provisions for contingences    3,876,492    3,742,714    3,802,515    3,664,486 
Deferred Income and Social Contributions Taxes    1,991,781    2,023,572    1,971,800    2,003,506 
Other    396,672    469,982    512,756    573,002 
Future Period Results    5,223    5,292    -    - 
Shareholders' Equity    6,788,378    6,124,144    6,881,395    6,226,576 
Capital    1,680,947    1,680,947    1,680,947    1,680,947 
Capital Reserve    30        30     
Revaluation Reserve    4,147,003    4,208,550    4,147,003    4,208,550 
Earnings Reserve    920,783    911,368    1,013,800    1,013,800 
Treasury Stock    (743,430)   (676,721)   (743,430)   (676,721)
Retained Earnings    783,045        783,045     
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS´ EQUITY    25,764,581    25,028,301    25,402,966    24,305,340 


CONSOLIDATED - Corporate Law - thounsands of R$

    1Q2006    4Q2006    1Q2007 
Cash Flow from Operating Activities    151,988    665,064    398,397 
   Net Income for the period    340,418    83,415    762,903 
         Net exchange and monetary variations    (462,454)   (116,850)   (241,389)
         Provision for financial expenses    185,919    204,705    209,951 
         Depreciation, exhaustion and amortization    245,878    238,677    245,957 
         Equity results    10,790    23,944    27,750 
         Deferred income taxes and social contributions    10,592    (83,793)   (24,207)
         Provisions    (133,652)   523,027    440,052 
Working Capital    (45,503)   (208,061)   (1,022,620)
         Accounts Receivable    302,637    90,160    (803,288)
         Inventory    50,315    (22,595)   (32,360)
         Suppliers    (207,036)   (17,201)   (119,583)
         Taxes    120,314    (134,089)   28,621 
         Others    (151,156)   (238,188)   (233,493)
         Cash Flow from Investment Activities    (160,577)   113,852    137,483 
Investments    (248,626)   (1,058,956)   (259,704)
   Fixed Assets/Deferred    4,328    (678,894)   (1)
   Cash Flow from Financing Activities    (252,954)   (380,062)   (259,703)
Issuances    (300,601)   (122,900)   187,088 
   Amortizations    853,713    1,623,009    2,170,629 
   Interests Expenses    (178,989)   (1,745,898)   (1,916,033)
   Dividends/Interest on own capital    (936,215)   (11)   (799)
   Shares in treasury    (39,110)       (66,709)
Free Cash Flow    (397,239)   (516,792)   325,781 


Net Financial Result
Consolidated - Corporate Law - thousands of R$

    1Q2006    4Q2006    1Q2007 
Financial Expenses    (343,806)   (372,249)   (337,315)
Loans and financing    (201,309)   (204,705)   (209,951)
    Local currency    (165,239)   (50,250)   (57,115)
    Foreign currency    (36,070)   (154,455)   (152,836)
Taxes    (131,417)   (118,244)   (93,138)
Other financial expenses    (11,080)   (49,300)   (34,226)
Financial Income    (23,363)   (18,390)   194,460 
Income from cash investments    40,060    51,401    76,891 
Gains/Losses in derivative operations    (83,368)   (73,104)   99,137 
Other income    19,945    3,313    18,432 
Exchange and monetary variations    260,535    135,880    197,018 
Net monetary change    (8,397)   (21,984)   (6,056)
Net exchange change    268,932    157,864    203,074 
Net Financial Result    (106,634)   (254,759)   54,163 

Net Financial Result
Parent Company - Corporate Law - thousands of R$

    1Q2006    4Q2006    1Q2007 
Financial Expenses    (271,419)   (283,786)   (274,762)
Loans and financing    (82,390)   (54,291)   (60,946)
    Local currency    (46,641)   (43,550)   (51,581)
    Foreing currency    (35,749)   (10,741)   (9,365)
Transaction with subsidiaries    (58,547)   (107,496)   (100,919)
Taxes    (126,604)   (111,102)   (88,391)
Other financial expenses    (3,878)   (10,897)   (24,506)
Financial Income    (340,591)   (113,919)   (105,257)
Transaction with subsidiaries        4,139    4,084 
Income from cash investments    7,822    25,596    3,050 
Gains/Losses in derivative operations    (362,773)   (138,637)   (124,008)
Other income    14,360    (5,017)   11,617 
Exchange and monetary variations    461,577    164,520    285,275 
Net monetary change    (9,470)   (20,755)   (4,819)
Net exchange change    471,047    185,275    290,094 
Net Financial Result    (150,433)   (233,185)   (94,744)


Consolidated - Thousand t

    1Q2006    4Q2006    1Q2007 
DOMESTIC MARKET    605    732    719 
     Slabs    11    22    16 
     Hot Rolled    192    269    257 
     Cold Rolled    98    96    112 
     Galvanized    160    199    187 
     Tin Plate    144    147    147 
EXPORT MARKET    393    463    476 
     Slabs      36    105 
   Hot Rolled    81    71    33 
   Cold Rolled    42    30    41 
   Galvanized    193    228    208 
   Tin Plate    77    96    89 
TOTAL MARKET    997    1,193    1,195 
     Slabs    11    57    121 
     Hot Rolled    272    340    290 
     Cold Rolled    140    126    153 
     Galvanized    353    427    395 
     Tin Plate    221    243    236 

Parent Company - Thousand t

    1Q2006    4Q2006    1Q2007 
DOMESTIC MARKET    611    720    753 
     Slabs    11    21    16 
     Hot Rolled    182    267    257 
     Cold Rolled    121    113    140 
     Galvanized    153    168    181 
     Tin Plate    144    151    159 
EXPORT MARKET    328    443    371 
     Slabs      78    30 
   Hot Rolled    113    112    119 
   Cold Rolled    46    46    51 
   Galvanized    100    126    96 
   Tin Plate    69    81    75 
TOTAL MARKET    939    1,163    1,124 
     Slabs    11    99    46 
     Hot Rolled    295    379    376 
     Cold Rolled    167    159    191 
     Galvanized    253    294    277 
     Tin Plate    213    232    234 


Consolidated - In R$/t

    1Q2006    4Q2006    1Q2007 
DOMESTIC MARKET    1,808    1,937    1,926 
EXPORT MARKET    1,503    1,728    1,563 
TOTAL MARKET    1,688    1,856    1,781 
     Slabs    650    401    855 
     Hot Rolled    1,242    1,388    1,374 
     Cold Rolled    1,535    1,508    1,573 
     Galvanized    1,768    2,111    2,051 
     Tin Plate    2,258    2,590    2,438 

Parent Company - In R$/t

    1Q2006    4Q2006    1Q2007 
DOMESTIC MARKET    1,667    1,785    1,786 
EXPORT MARKET    1,211    1,346    1,328 
TOTAL MARKET    1,508    1,618    1,635 
     Slabs    650    564    744 
     Hot Rolled    1,126    1,296    1,247 
     Cold Rolled    1,329    1,446    1,418 
     Galvanized    1,634    2,066    2,039 
     Tin Plate    2,074    2,145    2,132 

Dollar Exchange Rate
in R$ / US$

    1Q05    2Q05    3Q05    4Q05    1Q06    2Q06    3Q06    4Q06    1Q07 
End of Period    2.666    2.350    2.222    2.341    2.172    2.164    2.174    2.138    2.050 
Change %    0.4%    -11.8%    -5.5%    5.3%    -7.2%    -0.4%    0.5%    -1.7%    -4.1% 



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: April 25, 2007

/S/ Benjamin Steinbruch

Benjamin Steinbruch
Chief Executive Officer and
Acting Chief Financial Officer



This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.