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Report of Foreign Private Issuer

Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the month of May, 2007

           Brazilian Distribution Company           
(Translation of Registrant’s Name Into English)

Av. Brigadeiro Luiz Antonio,
3126 São Paulo, SP 01402-901
(Address of Principal Executive Offices)

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São Paulo, Brazil, May 14, 2007 – Grupo Pão de Açúcar – (BOVESPA: PCAR4; NYSE: CBD), announces its first quarter 2007 results. The Company’s operating and financial information, as well as the comparisons referring to 2006 – unless otherwise indicated – are presented in a consolidated basis and denominated in Reais, in accordance with the Brazilian Corporate Law.

1st Quarter 2007 Highlights

Financial and Operating Highlights

R$ million1    1Q07    1Q06    Chg. 
Gross Sales    4,168    3,925    6.2% 
Net Sales    3,530    3,305    6.8% 
Gross Income    982    983    -0.1% 
   Gross Margin - %    27.8%    29.7%    -190 bps3 
EBITDA (without taxes and charges)2    234    259    -9.7% 
   EBITDA Margin - %    6.6%    7.9%    -130 bps3 
Net Income    36    60    -40.3% 
   Net Margin - %    1.0%    1.8%    -80 bps3 

(1) Totals may not tally as the figures are rounded off
(2) As from this quarter we will include the taxes and charges account in operating expenses
(3) basis points

Grupo Pão de Açúcar operates 550 stores in 14 states and in Distrito Federal and recorded gross sales of R$16.5 billion in 2006. Its multiformat structure - supermarkets (Pão de Açúcar, CompreBem and Sendas), hypermarkets (Extra), stores of electronic products/household appliances (Extra-Eletro) and convenience stores (Extra Perto) – and its broad distribution network allow a differentiated response to consumer requirements and strong positioning in the main markets of the country.

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Sales Performance
Net sales grew 6.8% in the quarter 

R$ million    1Q07    1Q06    Chg. 
Gross Sales    4,168       3,925    6.2% 
Net Sales    3,530       3,305    6.8% 

In the 1st quarter of 2007, the Company recorded gross sales of R$ 4,168.0 million and net sales of R$ 3,530.3 million, with growth of 6.2% and 6.8% respectively in relation to the same prior-year period. This increase is due to the consolidation of the competitiveness strategy adopted, the recovery of food sales and the new sales incentive campaign.

In the ‘same stores’ concept, sales also presented a growth trend in relation to the levels observed in previous quarters, attaining the rate of 4.8% (gross sales) and 5.6% (net sales), in line with the growth of 5.0% expected by the Company for 2007.

Sales of food products presented a reversal of the downtrend recorded during the year 2006, registering growth of 4.5%, with an emphasis on the performance of perishable products. Sales of non-food products, even with the strong basis of comparison (growth of 14.5% in the first quarter of 2006 – World Cup effect), presented growth of 5.9% .

One of the prominent aspects was that although food inflation presented recovery in the quarter, the Group’s internal price monitoring index shows that prices practiced at the stores have been growing at considerably lower rates than those recorded by the food inflation indexes published by Fipe (Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas - Brazilian Institute of Economic Research) or by IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics).

Another highlight of the period was the continuity of the customer’s traffic growth at the Group’s stores – a performance that has been accompanied by a higher average purchase per customer.

Although all the banners have displayed a growth in the ‘same stores’ the period, reflecting the Company’s better price positioning, the Pão de Açúcar banner stood out once again and the Sendas banner showed recovery in relation to the levels recorded in previous quarters.

Operating Performance
New sales campaign: ‘Varejo na Alma’ 

The sales incentive campaign called ‘Varejo na Alma’, an initiative involving all the employees of the stores, head-office and Distribution Centers, stimulating the increase of

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sales with profitability, was started in January 2007. All the collaborators from the stores that attain growth of 5% in sales over the budget and that guaranteed at least the net income of this budget are awarded in this campaign.

The Campaign has been achieving excellent results and has already awarded 79 stores in the first quarter of 2007. This will be the focal point of 2007, which will clear the path for the consolidation of a new sales threshold.

The Company also continues focused on expense reduction programs and on the competitiveness strategy, which continued to produce consistent results in the 1st quarter of 2007 (sales growth, customer traffic and price image of the banners).

The comments presented below about operating performance refer to the consolidated figures of CBD, which include all the operating results of Sendas Distribuidora (a joint venture of CBD with the Sendas chain, in the state of Rio de Janeiro).

Gross margin of 27.8% in the quarter
Price reduction strategy contributed toward this performance. 

R$ million    1Q07    1Q06    Chg. 
Gross Income    982    983    -0.1% 
Gross Margin - %    27.8%    29.7%    -190 bps 

The gross margin reached 27.8% in 1Q07, 190 basis points (bps) below the 29.7% reported in 1Q06. The margin reduction was offset by the growth of the sales volume, which allowed the Group to maintain practically the same gross income in the two periods (R$ 981.8 million in the first quarter of 2007 as opposed to R$ 982.9 million in the same period of 2006).

The lower gross margin is explained by the more aggressive price posture, which is already in its third consecutive quarter and has contributed to improve the price image of all the banners.

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Operating Expenses
Expense as a percentage of the net sales at a level lower than in 1Q06 

R$ million1    1Q07    1Q06    Chg. 
Selling Expenses    606    588    3.2% 
Gen. Adm. Exp.    118    117    0.8% 
Operating Exp. (without Taxes and Charges)   725    705    2.8% 
         % of net sales    20.5%    21.3%    -80 bps 
Taxes and Charges    23    18    25.1% 
Total Operating Expenses    748    723    3.3% 
         % of net sales    21.2%    21.9%    -70 bps 
(1) Totals may not tally as the figures are rounded off 

Important advances were presented in relation to selling and general and administrative expenses in the 1st quarter of 2007.

Excluding taxes and charges, the level of operating expenses in the quarter was 20.5%, down 80 bps in relation to the 21.3% recorded in 1Q06.

Total operating expenses, including taxes and charges, attained 21.2% of the net revenue in 1Q07, lower than the 21.9% of the net revenue recorded in the same period of 2006.

The period highlight was the 60 bps drop in sales expenses as a percentage of net sales, from 17.8% in 1Q06 to 17.2% in 1Q07.
Administrative expenses as a percentage of net sales registered a slight downslide in relation to the previous year, going from 3.5% in 1Q06 to 3.3% in 1Q07.

In absolute terms, selling expenses and administrative expenses presented lower growth rates than the increase of sales in the period (6.8%), amounting to 3.2% and 0.8% respectively.

This reduction of expenses as a percentage of net revenue is mainly due to the expense reduction programs implemented throughout 2006 and to the greater dilution of expenses in the period.

These programs will continue to produce results during 2007, causing expenses as a percentage of net sales (excluding taxes and rates) to reach the target of 20% in 2007.

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EBITDA Margin of 6.6% (without taxes and charges)
Competitiveness strategy affected EBITDA

R$ million    1Q07    1Q06    Chg. 
EBITDA (without taxes and charges)   234    259    -9.7% 
EBITDA Margin (without taxes and charges)   6.6%    7.9%    -130 bps 

The reduction of 190 bps in the gross margin was partially offset by the reduction of 70 bps in operating expenses, which led to an EBITDA margin of 6.6% in the first quarter of 2007, as opposed to 7.9% in the same period of 2006, a reduction of 130 bps.

In absolute terms EBITDA was R$ 234.3 million in 1Q07, 9.7% lower than the R$ 259.5 million recorded in the same period of last year.

Financial Results
Lower interest rates caused an impact in the period 

R$ million1    1Q07    1Q06    Chg. 
Financ. Revenue    70               102    -31.0% 
Financ. Expenses    (131)   (169)   -22.2% 
Net Financial Income    (61)   (67)   -8.9% 
(1) Totals may not tally as the figures are rounded off 

During the 1st quarter of 2007, financial expenses and revenues exhibited a decrease in comparison with the same period of the year 2006. Financial revenues in 1Q07 came to R$ 70.2 million, as opposed to R$ 101.7 million in 1Q06, representing a downslide of 31.0% . Three factors contributed toward this decrease: (i) lower average cash in 1Q07 in comparison with 1Q06, which was R$ 1,706.2 million and is currently R$ 1,069.1 million; (ii) lower interest rate in the period (average of 13.9% in 1Q07 versus 16.5% in 1Q06) and; (iii) increase in installment sales without interest.

Financial expenses in the period amounted to R$ 131.4 million, 22.2% lower than the R$ 168.9 million recorded in the 1st quarter of 2006. This reduction is mainly due to the lower interest rate in the period, as commented on above.

Net financial expenses attained R$ 61.2 million in the period, versus R$ 67.2 million in relation to the 1st quarter of 2006, a reduction of 8.9% .

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Equity Income
Equity income result starts to show improvements in the period 

With a 12% share in the sale of the Group, FIC (Financeira Itaú CBD) recorded negative equity income of R$ 5.9 million in the 1st quarter of 2007, an improvement of 60.4% in relation to the R$14.8 million loss of 1Q06 and of 48.2% in relation to the R$ 11.3 million of 4Q06.

This improvement in FIC’s performance, which generated growth of 87% in the total revenues in the period, occurred on account of the following factors: (i) increase of the receivables portfolio (which totaled R$ 871.9 million, up 34.9% over the same prior-year period); (ii) increase of the supply of relationship products (insurance, personal loan and extended warranty); (iii) growth of the Company’s sales and; (iv) reduction of the credit loss levels.

The result of this quarter supports the forecast that the break-even point will be attained at the end of 2007. The number of customers of FIC attained 5.2 million in the quarter, with 3.8 million private label card holders.

Minority Interest: Sendas Distribuidora
Gross margin reflects more competitiveness in Rio de Janeiro 

In the 1st quarter of 2007, the gross sales of Sendas Distribuidora attained R$ 796.2 million, which represents 19.1% of the Group’s sales. Net sales amounted to R$ 693.9 million in the period. In spite of the improvement in the sales performance in relation to the previous year, sales in the period do not yet reflect investments in competitiveness implemented in the last few quarters.

Gross income amounted to R$ 177.3 million, with a gross margin of 25.6% . In comparison with the same prior-year period, the gross margin registered a downslide of 180 bps, reflecting the aggressive price strategy and the heated competition faced in Rio de Janeiro.

Although operating expenses presented a result that resembles that of the prior year (R$ 164.6 million in 1Q07 as opposed to R$ 163.9 million in 1Q06), the EBITDA margin was down 170 bps (1.8% in 1Q07 against 3.5% in 1Q06), due to the lower gross margin of the period.

Financial income exhibited a negative result of R$ 31.5 million in the period, significantly influencing the result of Sendas Distribuidora. Net loss for the quarter was R$ 38.6 million, generating a minority interest result of R$ 22.2 million for the Group.

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Net Income
Result of the quarter is strongly influenced by the lower gross margin 

R$ million    1Q07    1Q06    Chg. 
Net Income    36    60    -40.3% 
Net Margin - %    1.0%    1.8%    -80 bps 

The Group reported net income of R$ 36.0 million in this quarter, a decrease of 40.3% in relation to the same period of 2006. This reduction occurred mainly because of the lower gross margin of the period, affected by the price strategy adopted by the Group.

The sum earmarked for investments in the quarter was R$ 204.2 million 

Investments in the 1st quarter amounted to R$ 204.2 million, higher than the R$ 143.9 million invested in the 1st quarter of 2006.

Investments were divided as follows:

• R$ 77.6 million in the opening and construction of new stores to be inaugurated during the year 2007;
• R$ 68.4 million in the acquisition of strategic land;
• R$ 45.5 million in store renovations;
• R$ 12.7 million in infrastructure (technology, logistics and others).

Four Extra Perto stores were opened in the period, and in the second quarter another 3 stores will be inaugurated (one CompreBem and two Extra hypermarket stores). Most of the openings scheduled for the year 2007 will be concentrated in the second semester.

Subsequent Events: 6th Debenture Issue 

On April 27, 2007, CVM (Brazilian Securities Commission) approved the issue of 77,965 debentures (simple, non-convertible, nominative and book-entry debentures in 2 tranches, of the unsecured kind) by CBD.

The issue was performed in two tranches, whereas the final quantity of debentures of the 1st tranche was 54,000 and the final quantity of debentures of the 2nd tranche was 23,965

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debentures. The unit face value was R$ 10,000.00, amounting to a total value of the offering of R$ 779,650,000.00.

The 1st tranche debentures were targeted at individual and corporate investors, investment funds, pension funds, third party asset management entities registered at CVM, entities licensed to operate by the Central Bank of Brazil, insurance companies, supplementary pension entities and capitalization companies and institutional or qualified investors, considered as such by the current regulations. 2nd tranche debentures were earmarked exclusively for exchange for the holders of 5th issue debentures.

1st tranche debentures have a return established with a basis on the DI Rate, plus a spread corresponding to 0.5% per annum. The return on 1st tranche debentures also applies to 2nd tranche debentures.

The unit face value of the debentures will be amortized according to the following schedule: three (3) annual installments, on March 1, 2011, March 1, 2012 and March 1, 2013. The payment of 1/3 of the Unit Face Value of the Debentures in circulation will be made on each amortization payment date.

For further information about this issue, refer to the final prospectus on the Investor Relations (IR) website:

The information presented in the following tables has not been reviewed by the external auditors.

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Consolidated Income Statement - Corporate Law Method (thousand R$)

    1st Quarter 
    2007    2006    % 
Gross Sales Revenue    4,167,951    3,924,728    6.2% 
Net Sales Revenue    3,530,349    3,304,967    6.8% 
Cost of Goods Sold    (2,548,534)   (2,322,095)   9.8% 
Gross Profit    981,815    982,872    -0.1% 
Operating (Expenses) Income             
  (606,484)   (587,904)   3.2% 
       General and Administrative 
  (118,066)   (117,119)   0.8% 
       Taxes and Charges    (22,998)   (18,387)   25.1% 
Total Operating Expenses    (747,548)   (723,410)   3.3% 
Earnings before interest, taxes,             
depreciation, amortization-EBITDA    234,267    259,462    -9.7% 
Depreciation and Amortization    (126,926)   (120,149)   5.6% 
Earnings before interest and taxes             
-EBIT    107,341    139,313    -23.0% 
Financial Income    70,213    101,733    -31.0% 
Financial Expenses    (131,445)   (168,931)   -22.2% 
 Net Financial Income (Expense)   (61,232)   (67,198)   -8.9% 
Equity Income/Loss    (5,858)   (14,782)   -60.4% 
Operating Result    40,251    57,333    -29.8% 
Non-Operating Result    (2,938)   7,286     
Income Before Income Tax    37,313    64,619    -42.3% 
Income Tax    (19,938)   (17,434)   14.4% 
Income Before Minority Interest    17,375    47,185    -63.2% 
Minority Interest    22,175    15,986    38.7% 
Income Before Profit Sharing    39,550    63,171    -37.4% 
Employees' Profit Sharing    (3,600)   (3,000)   20.0% 
Net Income    35,950    60,171    -40.3% 
Net Income per 1,000 shares    0.32    0.53    -40.3% 
No of shares (in thousand)   113,771,379    113,667,916     
% of Net Sales    1Q07    1Q06     
Gross Profit    27.8%    29.7%     
Total Operating Expenses    -21.2%    -21.9%     
   Selling    -17.2%    -17.8%     
   General and Administrative    -3.3%    -3.5%     
   Taxes and Charges    -0.7%    -0.6%     
EBITDA    6.6%    7.9%     
Depreciation and Amortization    -3.6%    -3.6%     
EBIT    3.0%    4.2%     
Net Financial Income (Expense)   -1.7%    -2.0%     
Non-Operating Result    -0.1%    0.2%     
Income Before Income Tax    1.1%    2.0%     
Income Tax    -0.6%    -0.5%     
Minority Interest/Employees' Profit    0.5%    0.4%     
Net Income    1.0%    1.8%     

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Consolidated Balance Sheet - Corporate Law Method (thousand R$)

ASSETS    3/31/2007    12/31/2006 
Current Assets    4,121,947    4,878,416 
       Cash and Banks    112,350    247,677 
       Marketable securities    744,302    1,033,834 
       Credit    182,786    378,826 
               Credit sales with post-dated checks    17,701    28,699 
               Credit cards companies    150,483    299,272 
               Sales vouchers and others    17,019    63,452 
               Allowance for doubtful accounts    (2,417)  
       Resuting from commercial agreements    301,751    397,098 
       Accounts receivable - PAFIDC    848,185    845,668 
       Inventories    1,311,446    1,231,963 
       Recoverable taxes    272,330    378,849 
       Deferred income tax    170,759    238,676 
       Prepaid expenses and others    178,038    125,825 
Noncurrent Assets    7,054,757    6,793,857 
    Long-Term Assets 
  1,961,292    1,766,034 
       Recoverable taxes    220,448    95,970 
       Trade accounts receivable    360,405    348,338 
       Deferred income and social contribution taxes    892,515    837,676 
       Judicial deposits    249,078    234,901 
       Amounts receivable from related parties    236,315    245,606 
       Others    2,531    3,543 
    Permanent Assets 
  5,093,465    5,027,823 
       Investments    73,699    79,557 
       Property and equipment    4,339,393    4,241,040 
       Intangible assets    606,575    630,945 
       Deferred charges    73,798    76,281 
TOTAL ASSETS    11,176,704    11,672,273 
Current Liabilities    3,362,952    3,823,909 
         Accounts payables to suppliers    1,619,169    2,027,268 
         Loans and financing    746,105    800,221 
         Recallable fund quotas - PAFIDC    71,100    71,100 
         Debentures    401,490    414,761 
         Payroll and related charges    166,559    173,010 
         Taxes and social contributions payable    60,568    68,675 
         Dividends proposed    20,312    20,312 
         Financing for purchase of fixed assets    78,627    44,366 
         Others    199,022    204,196 
Long-Term Liabilities 
  2,829,434    2,877,821 
         Loans and financing    621,599    719,128 
         Recallable fund quotas - PAFIDC    686,092    663,024 
         Taxes payable in installments    257,059    261,101 
         Provision for contingencies    1,241,273    1,209,463 
         Others    23,411    25,105 
Minority Interest    106,241    128,416 
Shareholder's Equity    4,878,077    4,842,127 
         Capital    3,954,629    3,954,629 
         Capital reserves    517,331    517,331 
         Revenue reserves    406,117    370,167 
  11,176,704    11,672,273 

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Consolidated Cash Flows - Corporate Law Method (thousand R$)

    March 31 
Cash flow from operating activities    2007    2006 
Net income for the year    35,950    60,171 
 Adjustment to reconcile net income         
   Deferred income tax    13,078    (15,753)
   Residual value of permanent asset disposals    4,094   
   Net gains from shareholding dilution      (13,302)
   Depreciation and amortization    126,926    120,149 
   Interest and monetary variations, net of payments    (8,262)   96,881 
   Equity results    5,858    14,782 
   Provision for contingencies    12,502    10,105 
   Provisions for Fixed Assets Write-Off and losses    557   
   Minoritary interest    (22,175)   (15,986)
    168,528    257,051 
 (Increase) decrease in assets         
     Accounts receivable    280,647    318,991 
     Advances to suppliers and employees    (4,383)   (4,603)
     Inventories    (79,483)   (18,068)
     Recoverable Taxes    (16,322)   6,266 
     Others assets    (42,704)   (46,880)
     Related parties    9,639    (17,973)
     Judicial Deposits    (9,129)   (10,399)
    138,265    227,334 
 Increase (decrease) in liabilities         
     Suppliers    (408,099)   (326,360)
     Payroll and related charges    (6,451)   (15,851)
     Income and Social contribution taxes payable    (21,380)   (20,048)
     Others accounts payable    (6,868)   26,745 
    (442,798)   (335,514)
Net cash flow generated by operating activities    (136,005)   148,871 
    March 31 
    2007    2006 
Net cash from investing activities         
     Increase in investments         
     Acquisition of companies      (8,501)
     Acquisition of property and equipment    (169,943)   (112,107)
     Increase in deferred assets    (3,747)   (4,282)
Net cash flow used in investing activities    (173,690)   (124,890)
Cash Flow from Financing Activities         
       Funding and Re-Financing
  69,393    35,690 
  (184,557)   (68,901)
Net cash flow generation (expenditure) in financing activities    (115,164)   (33,211)
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents    (424,859)   (9,230)
 Cash, banks and marketable securities at end of year    856,652    1,701,607 
 Cash, banks and marketable securities at beginning of year    1,281,511    1,710,837 
Changes in cash and cash equivalents    (424,859)   (9,230)
Cash flow suplemental information         
 Interest paid on loans and financings    107,066    49,322 

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Gross Sales per Format (R$ thousand)

1st Quarter    2007    %    2006    %    Var.(%)
Pão de Açúcar    918,464    22.0%    900,529    22.9%    2.0% 
Extra    2,126,067    51.0%    1,956,708    49.9%    8.7% 
CompreBem    718,600    17.3%    657,501    16.8%    9.3% 
Extra Eletro    81,904    2.0%    76,644    1.9%    6.9% 
Sendas*    322,916    7.7%    333,346    8.5%    -3.1% 
CBD    4,167,951    100.0%    3,924,728    100.0%    6.2% 

Net Sales per Format (R$ thousand)

1st Quarter    2007    %    2006    %    Chg.(%)
Pão de Açúcar    775,079    22.0%    751,948    22.7%    3.1% 
Extra    1,792,425    50.8%    1,642,121    49.7%    9.2% 
CompreBem    613,267    17.3%    558,544    16.9%    9.8% 
Extra Eletro    64,682    1.8%    59,626    1.8%    8.5% 
Sendas*    284,896    8.1%    292,728    8.9%    -2.7% 
CBD    3,530,349    100.0%    3,304,967    100.0%    6.8% 

* Sendas banner which is part of Sendas Distribuidora S/A

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Sales Breakdown (% of Net Sales)

    2007    2006 
    1st Q    1st Q 
Cash    51.0%    50.0% 
Credit Card    38.3%    38.1% 
Food Voucher    7.9%    7.9% 
Credit    2.8%    4.0% 
 Post-dated Checks    1.7%    2.2% 
 Installment Sales    1.1%    1.8% 

Stores by Format 

    Pão de        Extra-            Extra        Sales    Number of 
    Açúcar    Extra    Eletro    CompreBem    Sendas    Perto    CBD    Area (m2)   Employees 
12/31/2006    164    83    50    186    62    4    549     1,217,984             63,607 
Closed                (3)           (3)        
3/31/2007    164    83    50    183    62    8    550     1,221,017             62,370 

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Teleconference of Results of the 1st quarter of 2007. 
Wednesday, May 16, 2007.

Teleconference in Portuguese with simultaneous translation into English:
10:30 a.m. (Brasília time); 09:30 a.m. (ET USA); 1:30 p.m. (GMT)

:: Opening ::

Abilio Diniz – Chairman of the Board of Directors

Cássio Casseb - CEO

:: Participants ::

Enéas Pestana – CFO

Aymar Giglio – Treasury Director

Fernando Teles – FIC (Financeira Itaú CBD) Director

Daniela Sabbag – Investor Relations Director

For a teleconference in English, please dial (+1 973) 582-2778, Code: 8713082, a few minutes before the teleconference starts.

Webcast available at The Replay can be heard after the end of the Teleconference. Dial (+1 973) 341-3080, Code: 8713082.

Pão de Açúcar Group    MZ Consult 
Daniela Sabbag    Tereza Kaneta 
Investor Relations Director    Phone: 55 (11) 3186-3772 
Phone: 55 (11) 3886 0421 Fax: 55 (11) 3884 2677    E-mail: [email protected] 
Email: [email protected]     


Statements included in this report regarding the Company’s business outlook, the previews on operating and financial results and referring to the Company’s growth potential are merely projections and were based on the Management’s expectations regarding the Company’s future. These projections are highly dependent on market changes, the performance of Brazilian economy, the industry and international markets, and are therefore subject to change.

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        Pursuant to the requirement of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


Date:   May 14, 2007 By:   /s/ Enéas César Pestana Neto      
         Name:   Enéas César Pestana Neto
         Title:     Administrative Director

    By:    /s/ Daniela Sabbag                      
         Name:   Daniela Sabbag
         Title:     Investor Relations Officer


This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates offuture economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.