This communication is filed pursuant to Rule 425
under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended

Filer: Telefónica, S.A.
Issuer: Telefónica, S.A.
Subject of the offer: Terra Networks, S.A.
Commission File Number: 333-123162




This document is incorporated by reference in the prospectus filed by Telefonica, S.A. pursuant to Rule 424(b)(3) in connection with the merger of Terra Networks, S.A. with and into Telefonica, S.A., file number 333-123162.



Telefónica S.A., as provided in article 82 of the Spanish Stock Market Act (Ley del Mercado de Valores), hereby reports:

Pursuant to the resolution adopted by the Annual General Shareholders' Meeting of Telefónica, S.A. held on May 31st, 2005 regarding the extraordinary non-cash distribution of additional paid-in capital by means of delivery to Telefónica, S.A. shareholders of shares representing the capital stock held as treasury stock in the proportion of one (1) share to every twenty- five (25) shares they hold entitled to participated in the distribution, we hereby inform all shareholders that the distribution, in accordance with the aforesaid General Meeting resolution, will be made as follows:

For this purpose, the value of the Compensation for Fractions will be determined according to the arithmetic mean of the weighted average prices of the Telefónica, S.A. share in the Spanish interconnected stock market system ("Mercado Continuo") on days 21, 22 and 23 of June 2005.




Madrid, June 10th, 2005